Doctor Reveals Details of Forced Organ Harvesting in Military Concentration Camps

“The military acts as the organ transplantation management system.”
Doctor Reveals Details of Forced Organ Harvesting in Military Concentration Camps
Chinese doctors carry fresh organs for transplant at a hospital in Henan Province on Aug. 16, 2012. (Screenshot/
Joan Delaney

Around the same time the first report on forced organ harvesting in China was released in March 2006, a senior military doctor contacted The Epoch Times and outlined some shocking details about how the practice was being carried out—and on whom.

The veteran doctor, who wished to remain anonymous for safety reasons but said he’s with the General Logistics Department of the Shenyang Military Command, explained that the organ harvesting is orchestrated by the military and the victims are convicted felons and Falun Gong practitioners detained for their beliefs.

“The military acts as the organ transplantation management system,” he said. “There is a huge source of living organs, and many hospitals with military background report their transplants to their supervising authorities. At the same time, they also carry out organ transplants on a large scale in private. In fact, the number of underground, unofficial organ transplants in China is several times higher than the official figures.”

The General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region in Liaoning Province, China. (
The General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region in Liaoning Province, China. (

The doctor said he knew of at least 36 “secret detention facilities”—which he called concentration camps—some of which held staggering numbers of Falun Gong practitioners.

“The concentration camp in Jiutai Area, Jilin Province, is the 5th-largest camp imprisoning Falun Gong practitioners in China. This camp alone detains over 14,000 Falun Gong practitioners,” he said.

“Based on information I have access to, the largest concentration camp is also in Jilin Province. This concentration camp, codenamed 672-S, imprisons over 120,000 people. A large number of Falun Dafa practitioners, felons, and political prisoners from all over China are there, but I do not know its address.”

“We must shift some attention to many of the military facilities. Those are the true concentration camps,” he added.

Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, is a traditional spiritual discipline based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance. Hundreds of thousands of its adherents ended up in China’s vast prison system after the communist regime launched a nationwide campaign of persecution against them in 1999. At that time, there were an estimated 70-100 million practitioners.

Forged Donor Names

The doctor  said that at the point when Falun Gong practitioners were taken away from prisons, forced labour camps, detention centres, and secret camps to have their organs extracted, their real name would be replaced with a code corresponding to a forged voluntary organ donor’s name.
"Organ Crimes," an oil painting by Xiqiang Dong depicting the seizure of organs from a living Falun Dafa practitioner in China. (Courtesy of Xiqiang Dong)
"Organ Crimes," an oil painting by Xiqiang Dong depicting the seizure of organs from a living Falun Dafa practitioner in China. (Courtesy of Xiqiang Dong)

“There was also a signature on the voluntary organ donation form, but of course it was signed by someone else. I have seen more than 60,000 such counterfeit forms. Basically, it says that the person voluntarily donates the organ and bears all the consequences. Many signatures were from same person’s handwriting,” he said.

“These materials will be kept for 18 months and be destroyed afterwards. They are kept at the provincial level of military commands and can be accessed only with approval from the commissioner of the Central Military Commission.”

The victim is told that he or she will go through a physical examination. The exam is followed by local anesthetic, then the organ or organs are removed from the live body.

The Falun Gong practitioners held in the military facilities could be transferred elsewhere on a large scale very efficiently, he noted.

“I have witnessed a specially dispatched freight train transferring over 7,000 people in one trip from Tianjin to the Jilin area. It ran at night, guarded by the Chinese army. Everyone on the train was handcuffed to specially designed handrails on top of the ceiling like rotisserie chickens.”

‘They Became a Commodity’

The doctor said when it comes to the point that the organs are to be extracted, the victim “is no longer seen as a human being, but an animal. [Doctors] who have performed one or two cases may still have some lingering fear, but after tens of thousands of live transplants and destroying the bodies, one becomes numb.”

Not only are the organs sold for high prices, but the bodies are as well. He said that after 1992, when the cost of industrial raw materials rose as a result of rapid industrial development, human bodies were officially deemed a valuable raw material.

A young Falun Dafa adherent holds a sign asking for China to stop killing prisoners of conscience for their organs in a parade in Washington on July 20, 2017. (Benjamin Chasteen/The Epoch Times)
A young Falun Dafa adherent holds a sign asking for China to stop killing prisoners of conscience for their organs in a parade in Washington on July 20, 2017. (Benjamin Chasteen/The Epoch Times)

“Living human beings, as well as dead bodies, have become industrial raw materials,” he said.

“The actual bodies are sold at high prices to many different types of state-owned factories as raw materials for different products via many different channels. Nearly all the large crematoriums in China are engaged in such underground businesses.”

He said the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee defines Falun Gong practitioners as “class enemies,” meaning they can be handled in any economically beneficial manner without having to report to higher authorities.

“In other words, like serious offenders in China, Falun Gong practitioners are no longer regarded as human beings but as raw materials for commercial products. They have become commodities.”

He added that China’s booming transplantation industry has made it “the centre of international live organ trading.”

“China has accounted for more than 85 percent of the total number of live organ transplants in the world since 2000. According to the data reported to the Central Military Commission, a few people have been promoted and became generals due to their ‘achievements’ in this field. ”

The doctor apologized for not being able to elaborate on the details. He said the entire operation is classified, and once something becomes classified information in the military, it is impossible to obtain any more information. In addition, divulging such information is extremely dangerous.

“Personnel responsible for military control have the authority to arrest, detain, or execute any doctors, police, armed police, and researchers who leak information,” he said.

Joan Delaney is Senior Editor of the Canadian edition of The Epoch Times based in Toronto. She has been with The Epoch Times in various roles since 2004.
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