Michigan Ballot Counting Over, With Biden in Lead

Miguel Moreno

The Michigan state secretary Jocelyn Benson says that a record number of Michigan citizens cast their votes by the time polls closed on the night of Nov. 3.

Data shows that more than 5.2 million Michiganders voted, mostly for Democratic Candidate Joe Biden.

Benson says the current results are unofficial numbers and that a bipartisan process of canvassing will go on for 13 days.

From NTD News
Miguel Moreno has worked for years as an NTD reporter, and now mainly works as a producer. Moreno has produced and co-produced multiple programs, including NTD Evening News, The Presidential Roller Coaster: 2024, and Mysteries of Life. Besides being a show producer, Moreno has produced for films, the latest one being "The Unseen Crisis," a documentary on vaccine injuries.
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