Man Writes Viral Facebook Post After Ex-Wife and Mom of His 3 Kids Gets Married

Man Writes Viral Facebook Post After Ex-Wife and Mom of His 3 Kids Gets Married
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

Sometimes there are hard feelings between couples after they get a divorce, but as time goes by, those sentiments might subside. For one man in Texas, he knows this from firsthand experience and shared his feelings after learning his ex-wife was getting married.

Blake Higginbotham, a small business owner and dad to three young children, had been divorced for three years. In September 2018, when he learned that his ex-wife was getting married again, he took to Facebook to share how he felt upon hearing the news.

Like in many divorces, Higginbotham and his ex-wife, Heather, didn’t separate amicably, he admitted in his post.

“We got married young, had 3 beautiful children and had a bitter divorce,” he wrote.

Although they did not get along, Blake and Heather cooperated together since they shared joint custody of the children.

“We share the kids evenly and support them in everything they do,” Blake wrote. “We act as a team.”

Three years later, their relationship had improved.

Just like other parents who put their children’s interests first, Blake was glad to learn that Heather had found a “great guy” who loves his children.

“He’s great to my kids and they love him to death,” Blake shared. “As a father, I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

Having developed a new perspective, Blake hoped to encourage other divorced couples with children to open up their minds more too.

“To anyone divorced, I encourage you with all of me to try and look at this from a different angle,” he advised. “Just because you didn’t workout as husband and wife doesn’t mean you can’t be mom and dad.”

When Heather saw Blake’s post, she also shared the same thoughts.

“We make a great team!” she wrote. “And are so blessed! Its been rocky but i couldn’t ask for a better coparenting relationship than how it is now [sic]. What we always hoped we’d have for our children. Thank you Blake!!”

Ever since the post was shared, it has taken the internet by storm and been shared over 124,000 times.

One user commented, “Takes a big man to approach things this way. It’s very difficult to pull this off.”

“You are totally awesome - greatest thing I’ve read in a long time!!!!” another wrote.

Another proud Facebook user wrote, “I am proud of you and Heather putting the Children first.That’s the way it should be when Children are involved.”

What a powerful post! Though a relationship between a couple has ended, it is important to ensure the children are still well cared for, which is what good parenting is all about.

It also reminds us that sometimes, things might not always turn out as expected, but with understanding and cooperation, anything can be made possible.