Man Is Furious After Pranksters Locked a PADLOCK in His Ear-Piercing Loop and Ran Away

Man Is Furious After Pranksters Locked a PADLOCK in His Ear-Piercing Loop and Ran Away
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

With so many pranks already exhaustively aggregated on the internet, it may be hard to imagine surprising anyone with something they haven’t seen before. Tom Matthews, who goes by the curious handle “Grim Fandango,” from Penzance, Cornwall, in the southwest of England, found himself the victim of a sneaky jab.

As the story goes, Matthews, who has multiple piercings, including a labret, the technical term for a chin piercing, was at a local pub. He had stepped outside for a cigarette when some prankster had the nerve to loop and lock a padlock through one of his rather large-sized ear-piercing holes, leaving him unable to remove it and fuming.

A photo was taken of Mathews with the padlock (connected) and he posted it on Facebook. “So guess what some little [expletive] stain just did to me if I find you I will put you 6 feet under end of rant [expletive],” he wrote, per The Daily Mail. The picture seemed to provoke more appreciation of irony from his friends and followers online than sympathy.
One commenter perfectly captured the general response by asking a simple yet obvious question. “Can I just ask how you didn’t notice someone [messing] about with you ear?” to which Matthews responded, “Literally having a [cigarette] out back literally they came out heard a click turned round realised they’re [sic] was a padlock on my ear and tried to chase em.”
Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">masa44</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | masa44

The explanation did little to inspire any sympathy for Matthews, as commenter after one commenter poked fun at his situation. At least someone seemed to have a pretty practical solution in mind. “Get yourself to the diy shop and give em a fiver to cut it off,” they wrote helpfully.

Yet even this user couldn’t resist pouring a little salt in the wound while giving advice, adding, “After they’ve stopped taking pictures and [expletive] themselves of course.”

Another commenter indulged in a truly awful pun, “Ear you should be locked up looking like that!”

It wasn’t clear how long Matthews and the padlock were connected; he posted fairly quickly that he was lucky to find a friend up who “lived up the road and had bolt cutters.”