Man in Panda Suit Allegedly Strapped With Bomb, Shot by Police Outside Baltimore TV Station

At this time, police have evacuated the headquarters and are unsure if there is anyone else posing a threat inside, and are unsure where the man in the suit has been shot.
Man in Panda Suit Allegedly Strapped With Bomb, Shot by Police Outside Baltimore TV Station

The man had entered the Baltimore TV station in the early afternoon on Wednesday and told an employee that he was wielding explosives, according to Baltimore Police.

Nearby, a car was on fire at the same time; officials are unaware if the two incidents are linked but do say the car was purposely set ablaze.

Police say the man in the suit, who appears to be a white male in his 20s, has been shot two to three times but is laying on the ground clutching what officials say could be a detonator in his pocket.

Police are unsure where the man in the suit has been shot.

Police have evacuated the headquarters and are unsure if there is anyone else posing a threat inside.

A bomb disposal robot has been deployed to inspect the man. No medical help can be sent to the man until he complies with officials and removes his hands from his pockets—police say they cannot be sure whether he has a detonation device in his hand.

Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said the man “walked out of the building ... had hands in his pockets...was not responding to officers ... and as he was walking closer toward officers he was shot by snipers.”

“This situation is not secure, the situation is not safe,” said T.J. Smith, spokesperson for the Baltimore Police Department. “He still poses a threat.”

This story is developing.