Man Crushed Under Steel Bars, Passersby Run to His Rescue

Man Crushed Under Steel Bars, Passersby Run to His Rescue
(L) Steel workers in China. (Kevin Frayer/Getty Images) -- (R) Crowd of onlookers in China. STR/AFP/Getty Images
Daniel Holl

A man transporting steel bars was crushed under them as the supports on his vehicle collapsed, only to be rescued moments later by passersby, according to Chinese new outlet Guangdong Econ-Science Channel.

The man suffered fractures to his spine. After the steel bars were lifted off of the man, he was conscious, but unable to move.

Security camera footage caught the incident in Foshan City in Guangdong Province, China on June 13.

People Run to the Rescue

Security footage showed that as the three-wheeled car rolled over a bump, the driver hit the brakes. A three-wheeled car is a common low-cost vehicle used in China.

However, when the vehicle jerked to a stop, the bars that were being carried on the supports of the vehicle slipped forward, and collapsed the structure.

The driver was immediately crushed inside.

Within moments, people standing nearby began shouting for help. Suddenly, a group of nearly 30 people ran over to the car, lifting and pushing at the steel bars.

“His chest, head, neck were crushed against the gas tank of the motorcycle—of the three wheeled car,” said one unidentified person who helped at the scene, according to Guangdong Channel.

The man said that the steel bars were tied together in bunches with rope. “Some of the people pulled, some of them turned the bars over, some lifted them up,” the man said to Guangdong Channel. “After they lifted the bars up, that person inside was still awake, but his body couldn’t move.”

An ambulance was called, and the victim was taken to the hospital. He was confirmed to have fractured his spine—the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae—but the injuries are not life threatening.

Daniel Holl
Daniel Holl
China reporter
Daniel Holl is a Sacramento, California-based reporter, specializing in China-related topics. He moved to China alone and stayed there for almost seven years, learning the language and culture. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
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