Beijing Winter Olympics are set to start in four months, yet both the Chinese regime and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) remain silent on accusations of human rights violations in the host nation.
Unlike the 2008 Olympics—when China was allowed to host the event under vague promises of improving its human rights record—there have been no human rights conversations nor pledges of betterment by the Chinese communist regime. Some argued, back over a decade ago, that granting Beijing the 2008 Olympics would have helped press the regime to improve upon its rights record.
“The big difference between the two Beijing Games is that in 2008 Beijing tried to please the world,” said Xu Guoqi, a historian at the University of Hong Kong, in an email to The Associated Press. “In 2022, it does not really care about what the rest of the world thinks about it.”
When China landed the Olympics in 2008—after it had been denied the opportunity in 2000, partly due to its rights abuse record—some IOC members opposed it on the basis that it would give tacit approval to the regime’s conduct.

Many rights experts and advocates have also said that the human rights situation deteriorated in China after 2008, questioning why the 2022 Winter Olympics should be different.
HRW said that, since 2008, it “documented the government’s crackdown on peaceful activists, lawyers, and human rights defenders, mass arbitrary detention of one million Turkic Muslims” in Xinjiang, “the deployment of Orwellian surveillance technology with a view towards engineering a dissent-free society,” as well as the “drastic” curtailment of civil liberties in Hong Kong.
This came in the form of an open letter addressed to TV broadcasters, pleading with them to cancel their coverage of the 2022 Winter Olympics.
“If they committed genocide or are continuing to commit genocide against the Uyghurs after the 2008 Olympics, what are they going to do after 2022? Are they going to invade Taiwan?” Littlejohn said.