‘Loving, Goofy’ Pit Bull Ferociously Protects Woman Owner and Friend From Violent Domestic Abuser

‘Loving, Goofy’ Pit Bull Ferociously Protects Woman Owner and Friend From Violent Domestic Abuser
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

When two women found themselves in a desperate situation at the hands of an abusive man, an unlikely hero prevented the worst from happening.

Due to the nature of their ordeals, both women wished to remain anonymous. One of the women was embroiled in a relationship with an abusive man and was struggling to come to terms with the inevitable need to leave him.

The abused woman’s friend eventually shared the harrowing tale on Love What Matters, having supported her friend through her escaping relationship. In doing so, however, she also became a victim of the abuse.

The abused woman eventually summoned the courage to leave her partner, and the situation turned violent.

“While he was beating her,” the friend wrote, “she managed to get away from him, and drove the short distance to my house to be safe.”

“My house wasn’t safe, though,” she continued. “He followed her, kicked through the glass on the French doors, and unlocked the bolt from the inside.”

The abused woman had already suffered from being beaten; neither woman had self-defense training. “He cornered us quickly and used his fists and my scarves to subdue us,” wrote the friend. Both women resigned themselves to their horrific fate. Unwilling to beg, the friend simply abandoned consciousness and was unable to feel physical pain.

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/man-beating-his-wife-illustrating-domestic-227615266">sdecoret</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | sdecoret

Thankfully, before the abuse could continue on endlessly, an unlikely savior appeared. The friend’s pit bull mix, sensing the acute disruption, burst through the French doors and rushed to the aid of the two women.

“Now, Camie is a sweet, loving, goofy dog,” wrote the friend, prefacing what came next. “She was as gentle as can be with all of the neighborhood kids and had never so much as snarled ... But when Camie got a hold of this guy, she was a different animal.”

“She was on top of him in the blink of an eye.”

Camie was about ready to savagely maul the abuser, but before that could happen, the two women heard the sound of the garage door opening; the friend’s father was home.

Loyal Camie backed the abuser into the corner of the room and held him at bay until help arrived. The police were called; the abuser was arrested and charged. It turned out that he had a history of violence and this incident was not his first offense.

After this troubling real-life ordeal was shared on Facebook, many people left comments supporting the women, condemning the abuser’s actions, and hailing the sweet dog, Camie, as a true savior.

“Dogs are heroes,” wrote one person. “So glad he was there to help you!”

“Have a lab/pittie mix. He'll be 13 in June,” wrote a supportive dog owner. “He was my best friend when I was a stay-at-home mom with infants and toddlers ... He deserves retirement though. He’s been a great protector for years.”

“Pitties certainly are ’the nanny' dog,” they concluded. “Loyal and protective as a mama bear.”

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/officer-arresting-young-man-150668030">sirtravelalot</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | sirtravelalot
The American Kennel Club asserts that the strong, stocky pit bull’s courage is “proverbial.” The pit bull in Camie was likely responsible for her bravery that day, her breed typically being a “loyal, trustworthy friend to the end.”

Camie’s grateful owner nursed her canine companion back to full health after the violent confrontation. “Camie’s cuts healed, and so did ours,” she wrote.

Years on, Camie is an old girl, slowly losing her sharpness and her physical health. “She may not remember what she did for me (and my friend), but I won’t forget,” the women’s story ended. “She may be nearing the end of her days, but I will never see a weak, useless old dog. She’s my dog.”

Camie did what dogs are supposed to do. She also exemplifies the age-old saying “Dogs are a man’s best friend.”