Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals

Life Lessons We Can Learn From Animals
Tara MacIsaac



Geese are 71 percent more effective as a group than as individuals. Flying together, they boost each other. 


Our Differences Don’t Matter That Much

Kasi (L) and Mtani (R) have been buddies since they were a cub and puppy. (Screenshot/YouTube)

For more on Kasi’s and Mtani’s story and other cross-species friendships, see Cute Unlikely Animal Friends (+Videos +Photos)


How to Build Cool Forts

Australia’s Bowerbird has it dialed. 

A BBC video featuring David Attenborough


Here are a few from a Quora thread, shared by users Tom Byron, Hunter McCord, Jae Starr, Simon Brown, Martin Gavilan, Vishnu Nair, and Peter Maffey:

Dawn is the proper time to awaken, dusk the proper time to get ready for sleep. (Thanks to the birds)

Wasting food is not a good idea: All food that is hunted and eaten is never wasted. Leftovers are eaten by the next animal lower down [on] the food chain. 

Valuable life habit, not to be too lazy: Animals are incredibly industrious ... [for example,] ants [and] bees. 

Choose your friends wisely: Wild animals hunt and live in packs. 

Patience: If you watch animals out in the wild, one has to [be] impressed by ... their discipline and patience in stalking and hunting their prey. It struck me watching Animal Planet, watching a snake or a tiger hunt it’s prey and how patient they are in waiting for the right time to strike. It then dawns on me how often we as people are the opposite, and [we are] impatient on many things in life.

Loyalty, unabashed and unambiguous loyalty: Whether it be an animal caring for and protecting their young or my dogs going nuts when I return from the letterbox 3 minutes after last seeing them.

Bark and complain ... [’til] I get what I want: A lesson learned from Dogs.

Bask in sunlight. Especially after a meal.

Take care of your responsibilities: I was sitting in the park one day, just relaxing and enjoying the weather, when I noticed a frail, bespectacled young man walking towards me with a handheld cage. The cage held a rather scruffy looking cat. The young man walked towards a quiet a spot near a tree, released the cat from its cage, and walked off. The cat followed him, made a spectacular leap, and bit him. Right in the posterior. That’s when I learned that if you try to abandon your responsibilities, they'll come back and bite you.

*Image of a wolf pack via Shutterstock