Time to Set the Record Straight

Time to Set the Record Straight
Phil Canterino, a Goshen resident and representative of the 21st Legislative District. Courtesy of Phil Canterino
The Reader's Turn

A heartfelt thanks to the Republican, Conservative, and Independence voters for seeing through the personal negative attacks against me during the primary.

* I have been a loyal Republican for over 50 years.

* I was appointed to the Legislature by a Republican majority of three town boards, Goshen, Blooming Grove, and Wawayanda and am the incumbent legislator.

* I have represented the Republican Party in seven successful elections and have honorably served the Village and Town of Goshen for over 25 years.

In an unprecedented, bold move, the Democratic Committee cross-endorsed me, as a Republican. Their choice was made because of the independent way I vote for the community and not political persuasion. For the right reasons, I humbly accepted their cross endorsement. Members of the Republican Committee, some with personal agendas, were made well aware of this long before they made their endorsement.

I always choose “people over politics” and am asking you to do the same, and support me on Election Day.

--Goshen resident Philip Canterino, Legislator representing the 21st Legislative District

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