Labour Unions Increasingly Important to Finnish Citizens

A survey conducted by the Confederation of Trade Unions (SAK) shows that 89 percent of Finnish respondents believe unions to be either moderately important or very important.
Labour Unions Increasingly Important to Finnish Citizens
GOTHENBURG, Sweden—Labor organizations are considered important by Finns. A survey conducted by the Confederation of Trade Unions (SAK) shows that 89 percent of respondents believe unions to be either moderately important or very important.

Compared to a similar survey in 2008, more people consider unions to be very important, according to YLE, a Finnish broadcasting company.

Those who are close to retirement age had the greatest faith in unions while younger age groups showed less interest, the survey found.
Half the respondents said their primary reasons for being a member of a union were better salaries and job security.

Pollster TNS interviewed 1,092 persons for the annual survey in March and April. The survey has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.
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