Internet Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

The Internet has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Italian version of Wired magazine.
Internet Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
The Internet has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Italian version of Wired magazine. Jeff Nenarella/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="The Internet has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Italian version of Wired magazine. (Jeff Nenarella/The Epoch Times)" title="The Internet has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Italian version of Wired magazine. (Jeff Nenarella/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1822207"/></a>
The Internet has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Italian version of Wired magazine. (Jeff Nenarella/The Epoch Times)

The Internet has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Italian version of Wired magazine. Geir Lundestad, director of the Nobel Institute, told BBC News that thousands of nominations for the Peace Prize have been submitted this year.

Nominations can be submitted only by former laureates, members of national governments, and chosen university professors. The 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi is a supporter of the nomination for the Internet.

“Men and women from every corner of the globe are connecting to one another, thanks to the biggest social interface ever known to humanity,” writes the Web site Internet for Peace, a site set up to support the Internet’s nomination. If the Internet were to win it is unclear who would receive the prize.