Internal Fighting in Sudan Military Kills at Least 55

The independence referendum in Sudan shows that citizens from Southern Sudan want to secede from Northern Sudan.
Internal Fighting in Sudan Military Kills at Least 55
Two members of the Sudanese Liberation Movement stand guard. Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images
<a><img src="" alt="Two members of the Sudanese Liberation Movement stand guard. (Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images)" title="Two members of the Sudanese Liberation Movement stand guard. (Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1808705"/></a>
Two members of the Sudanese Liberation Movement stand guard. (Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images)
Fighting among soldiers of the Sudanese armed forces (SAF) over the ownership of artillery in Southern Sudan has claimed 55 lives.

The spokesman of the SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army), Phillip Aguer Panyang, told the Sudan Tribune that the dispute is over the fate of SAF tanks in Southern Sudan, which some Southerners want to stay in the south. He explained that under a Joint Defense Board agreement, SAF would bring its “equipment to Northern Sudan and Southerners who wish to come to south Sudan and join the SPLA will bring their equipment to the south with them,” according to the report.

Fighting, which started about a week ago in the capital of the Upper Nile state in Southern Sudan, had spread to five counties on Saturday.

The minister of Information, Communications, and Broadcasting in the Upper Nile government, Peter Both, told the Tribune that he believed 55 have been killed so far, with at least two victims being children.

Results of the independence referendum in Sudan showed that almost 100 percent of voters want Southern Sudan to secede from the North.
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