Insurance Salesman Hit With $48,000 in Bogus Fines

A 72-year-old insurance salesman in Brooklyn, received 643 summonses from the Department of Sanitation (DOS) earlier this month relating to a moving company he had never heard of.
Insurance Salesman Hit With $48,000 in Bogus Fines
Tara MacIsaac
NEW YORK—Levy Zelishovsky, a 72-year-old insurance salesman in Brooklyn, received 643 summonses from the Department of Sanitation (DOS) earlier this month relating to a moving company he had never heard of. At $75 per ticket, Zelishovsky was hit with $48,000 in fines for illegally posting advertisements for Low Cost Relocation Moving Co. on lampposts in Brooklyn.

The phone number on advertisements for Low Cost Relocation Moving Co. led DOS to the insurance salesman.

“It was only afterward that the unit discovered that Mr. Zelinshovsky had not had that number assigned to him since 2006 and they are notifying the Environmental Control Board to withdraw prosecution,” writes DOS spokesman Matthew Lipani in a statement.

Some confusion about the fliers and the phone number still remain. Zelishovsky told the New York Post that he has had the same phone number for 25 years and the number on the fliers could not have been his.

To add another layer of mystery, the Post reports that Low Cost Relocation Moving Co. went out of business three months before the fliers went up. Company representative Robert Samuel says Low Cost Relocation Moving Co. did not post the fliers.

Zelishovsky will appear before an Environmental Control Board judge on April 29 to officially solve the mystery of the illegal moving company fliers.