How to Make Your Website More Effective

How to Make Your Website More Effective

Nowadays no business or enterprise can hope to achieve success without having a website of its own. But how to approach the task of creating one if you can’t make heads or tails of it?Here are a few tips that will make this task a little bit easier:

1.     Pay Attention to Design

Or pay money to someone who can do it for you, in case you don’t trust your own judgment. Don’t worry, it isn’t going to cost all that much – the Gig Economy we live in allows one to find a web-designer whowon’t rip you off but is skillful enough to make your website look modern and attractive. And even if you have to pay a little bit more than you would’ve wished, consider it an investment – because visual design for a website is what a front page headline for a newspaper is.

2.     Pepper Your Site with Video

Times when websites were mostly comprised of text and static images are long past. Today, if you don’t offer your visitors videos, your site looks cheap and unprofessional. Moreover, people are getting less inclined to read– they tend to watch and listen. So, no matter what you sell, a video presentation will show your clients that you really care for what you do while also adding this personal touch that is vital in today’s business. If you have to do with more abstract concepts that cannot be easily shown, try Whiteboard animation – it is a surefire way to make even the most complicated topic compelling and fun.

3.     Make Sure Your Site Has Interesting and Unique Texts

Don’t forget about good old text content - the best way to show that your site is alive and kicking is to start a blog and regularly update it with high-quality relevant articles dealing with your business. Feeling not very comfortable putting words together? Nothing to worry about – the Internet is rife with places where you can find excellent writers.

4.     Optimize Your Hosting

People are impatient creatures, and they get more and more impatient with every passing year as they get used to swift and smoothly working websites. If your visitors have to wait for more than a couple of seconds for your page to load, you are more than likely to annoy and lose them. Here you will find comprehensive and fair reviews about hosting providers.

5.     Make Full Use of Online Marketing

Having a first-rate website is not enough – today’s Internet is a battleground, and to win you have to use all the available tricks and strategies. SEO, direct mail marketing, traffic management – you can either try to learn all these things yourself, or enlist the support of experts. You don’t have to hire them full-time – you may easily find SEO specialists, virtual assistants and other professionals on freelance job sites.

6.     Social Media

The only thing that is better than getting new visitors to your website is making these visitors bring you even more traffic. But to do it, they have to tell their friends about you – and you have to make it as easy as possible. Place Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other relevant network buttons where they are easily seen, join communities that have something to do with your line of business and, in general, make people eager to tell others about you.


Your website is your window into the world. People will find you through it and form their initial impression based on it. Remember this and make sure you approach the task of making it in all seriousness.

I am a student of journalism. I am interested in iformation technologies especially in ones in the sphere of education. I always observe new tools helping to study and want everybody to know about them.