How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Finale Spoilers: The Mother’s Name, Fate, Ted’s Blue French Horn, Robin & Barney’s Marriage in HIMYM

How I Met Your Mother is in its series finales tonight. Check here for spoilers as they unfold.
How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Finale Spoilers: The Mother’s Name, Fate, Ted’s Blue French Horn, Robin & Barney’s Marriage in HIMYM

How I Met Your Mother is in its series finales tonight. Check here for spoilers as the show unfolds.

What is the Mother’s name?

- Tracy McConnell

What happens to the Mother?

- She gets sick. Illness unknown. Tracy’s not been home for 6 years now. It’s unknown if she dies, or has left Ted for some unknown reason.

What Happens to Ted?

- Ted’s kids deduce that Ted really loves Robin. Ted calls Robin to ask her out on a date. He puts down the phone and heads off.

Ted shows up at Robin’s apartment and gives her the Blue French Horn he stole for her in Season 1.

Roll credits.

Does Robin and Barney stay married?

- 15 minutes into the show, they have decided to get a divorce 3 years in, and remain divorced.

Is Barney a father?

- Yes for now, after his Perfect Month. He has a daughter named Ellie, and she is the “love of his life... forever”

When do Ted and the Mother get married?

- 2020, and after his 2 kids, Penny and Luke, are born.

Other incidents

Which year does Marshall become a judge?

- 5 years after Barney and Robin’s wedding, in 2018.

How many kids do Marshall and Lily have?

- 3 in 2015.

Does the CockaMouse return?

- Yes.

Does the Hanging Chad return?

-Yes, Ted is still in his Hanging Chad Halloween costume.

Does the Playbook return?

- Yes, the Playbook II is a thing in 2018.

Does Jim Nantz return?

- Yes, he makes a cameo.

How many times does Lily cry in the finale?

- 4.



Larry Ong is a New York-based journalist with Epoch Times. He writes about China and Hong Kong. He is also a graduate of the National University of Singapore, where he read history.