Hong Kong Protest in Melbourne Turns Violent as Pro-Beijing Demonstrators Seek to Silence Protesters

Hong Kong Protest in Melbourne Turns Violent as Pro-Beijing Demonstrators Seek to Silence Protesters
Victoria Police create barricade between pro-Hong Kong protesters and pro-Beijing demonstrators at a Hong Kong rally in Melbourne, Australia, on 16 August, 2019. The Epoch Times
Henry Jom

MELBOURNE, Australia—A Hong Kong protest in Melbourne’s CBD turned violent and was cut short after pro-Beijing “thugs” sought to silence event speakers and attendees.

At 7 p.m. on Aug. 16, approximately 500 pro-Hong Kong supporters stood peacefully on the steps of Victoria’s State Library in a show of support for a “Stand with Hong Kong-Power to the People” rally organized by the Victoria Hong Kong Tertiary Student Association.

In addition to the five demands from Hong Kong protesters, the rally called for two additional demands. Firstly for the UK to declare a Chinese breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a binding international treaty; and secondly for the U.S. Congress and the UK Parliament to legislate and impose Magnitsky-style sanctions upon the persons responsible for or complicit in the suppression of rights and freedom in Hong Kong.

Attendees to the Hong Kong rally exceeded 1000 in Melbourne, Australia on 16 August 2019. (The Epoch Times)
Attendees to the Hong Kong rally exceeded 1000 in Melbourne, Australia on 16 August 2019. The Epoch Times

Within minutes of starting the rally, pro-Beijing demonstrators gathered next to the group in approximately equal numbers, chanting slogans and playing music, with some demonstrators then resorting to scuffles and shoves in order to vent their frustrations on the protesters.

Some members of the press were also attacked.

Footage captured shows an Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) cameraman attacked by a pro-Beijing demonstrator who sought to damage a camera—the demonstrator was then pulled back and restrained by bystanders.

As clashes between both sides intensified, Victoria police formed a barricade between both groups, however, the chanting and shouting from both sides continued.

Unified chants from the pro-Hong Kong side such as “We will not give in,” “Stand with Hong Kong,” and “Free Hong Kong” could be heard while on the pro-Beijing side, “One China,” as well as other slogans, were heard.

Appalling Behaviour

Richard Bradford, a retired I.T. professional, was appalled by the behavior demonstrated by the pro-Beijing group.

“It’s disappointing to see a small group over there pretending to support mainland China when they’re really supporting a small band of violent thugs,” Bradford told The Epoch Times.

“Unfortunately, the small group of thugs in China have already proven themselves as violent suppressors. They’re doing nasty things over in the Uyghur territory, they’re still trying to bully Taiwan, they are bullying the people up in Tibet.”

Richard Bradford, a retired IT professional, attended the Hong Kong rally in Melbourne, Australia on 16 August 2019. (The Epoch Times)
Richard Bradford, a retired IT professional, attended the Hong Kong rally in Melbourne, Australia on 16 August 2019. The Epoch Times

Ruan (Frank) Jie, an editor at Tiananmen Times, said that the Chinese consulate was most likely behind the pro-Beijing demonstrators who have been “taught the wrong things.”

“They come here, they don’t know how to pay respect to the freedom of the other people, and they don’t know how to respect the other group of people,” Frank told The Epoch Times.

“These people are very rude. You can see they are very aggressive.”

Ruan (Frank) Jie, an editor at Tiananmen Times, attended the Hong Kong rally in Melbourne, Australia on 16 August 2019. (The Epoch Times)
Ruan (Frank) Jie, an editor at Tiananmen Times, attended the Hong Kong rally in Melbourne, Australia on 16 August 2019. The Epoch Times

Security Concerns

Due to security concerns, the rally was shortened to only a few speeches made by event organizers and from members of the public, cutting the scheduled rally time by half. By 9:30 p.m. local time, pro-Hong Kong protesters left the event with pro-Beijing demonstrators still chanting slogans.

“In the face of excessive violence, and unlawful oppression from the police, most of the indiscriminate attacks from the gangs, defamation against the protesters from the government, Hong Kongers are still trying their very best to protect our last line of defense, our judicial system,” a spokesperson at the rally said.

An attendee to a Hong Kong rally holds a yellow Free Hong Kong umbrella in Melbourne, Australia on 16 August 2019. (The Epoch Times)
An attendee to a Hong Kong rally holds a yellow Free Hong Kong umbrella in Melbourne, Australia on 16 August 2019. The Epoch Times
Despite no reported injuries, Victoria Police confirmed to the ABC that two men were interviewed regarding unlawful assault, before being released pending summons.

The rally in Melbourne follows other Hong Kong rallies held on the same day in Sydney, Brisbane, and Adelaide.

Henry Jom
Henry Jom
Henry Jom is a reporter for The Epoch Times, Australia, covering a range of topics, including medicolegal, health, political, and business-related issues. He has a background in the rehabilitation sciences and is currently completing a postgraduate degree in law. Henry can be contacted at [email protected]
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