At Least 23 Dead in Chile as Dozens of Wildfires Torch Forests

At Least 23 Dead in Chile as Dozens of Wildfires Torch Forests
A wildfire burns areas in Santa Juana, near Concepcion, Chile, on Feb. 4, 2023. (Ailen Diaz/Reuters)

SANTIAGO, Chile—A scorching summer heat wave in Chile is complicating efforts to control dozens of forest fires that so far have claimed at least 23 lives.

More than 1,100 people have sought refuge in shelters, while at least 979 people have been reported injured by the raging fires, according to an official briefing on Feb. 4, when the government extended an emergency order to another region.

The latest emergency order covers the southern region of Araucania, next to the previously declared Biobio and Nuble regions, located near the middle of the South American country’s long Pacific coastline.

“Weather conditions have made it very difficult to put out [the fires] that are spreading and the emergency is getting worse,” Interior Minister Carolina Toha told reporters at a news conference in the capital Santiago.

“We need to reverse that curve,” she added, noting that on Friday 76 more fires had ignited.

Another 16 fires sparked to life on Feb. 4, according to officials, as local temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere summer exceeded 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 Celsius).

The three sparsely populated regions covered by the emergency orders are home to many farms, including where grapes, apples, and berries are grown for export, plus extensive tracts of forest land.

Officials told reporters on Feb. 5 that the governments of Spain, the United States, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, and Venezuela have offered help, including planes and firefighters.

Meanwhile, an emergency-support helicopter crashed on Feb. 3 in La Araucania, killing its pilot and a mechanic, according to officials.

Authorities reported that 11 of the victims, or almost half of the casualties reported so far, died in the town of Santa Juana in Biobio, located about 310 miles (500 kilometers) south of Santiago.

Helicopters have dropped fire retardant over raging fires as billowing clouds of smoke obstruct roadways. Firefighters and local residents alike are struggling to contain the flames against the backdrop of a hazy orange-tinted sky.

The orders allow for the deployment of soldiers and additional resources to deal with the disaster.

Some 40,000 hectares (99,000 acres) have been burned by the fires, according to official data released late on Feb. 3. That’s an area larger than the city of Philadelphia.

National forestry agency CONAF reported on Feb. 4 that 80 of 231 total wildfires are being actively battled, while 151 of them are under control. Officials said that more than 90 percent of the wildfires have been smothered before they spread beyond 12 acres (5 hectares).

However, for those unlucky enough to get caught up in one of the uncontrolled fires, immediate evacuation is the only option.

“I left with what I had on,” said Carolina Torres, who fled an approaching fire near the city of Puren, in the region of Araucania. “I think everyone here did the same thing because the winds shifted and you just had to grab everything right away.”

On Feb. 3, President Gabriel Boric cut short his summer vacation to travel to Nuble and Biobio, pledging to make sure the affected areas receive all necessary support.

While he pointed to “signs” that some fires may have been started intentionally, he didn’t provide any additional details.

By Fabian Cambero and Natalia A. Ramos Miranda