Facebook Warns 1 Million Users About Usernames, Passwords Stolen via Malicious Apps

Facebook Warns 1 Million Users About Usernames, Passwords Stolen via Malicious Apps
Facebook's logo on a smartphone screen in Moscow, Russia, on Oct. 12, 2021. Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP via Getty Images

Meta Platforms Inc.’s Facebook has announced that it is going to share details about Facebook users whose accounts may have been compromised due to security issues with various apps downloaded from iOS and Android.

According to a report, Facebook said that it has identified 400 malicious Android and iOS apps that have targeted users to steal vital login information.

Facebook will notify close to 1 million users about their account status and how they have been compromised.

Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc. have been alerted, and both companies have informed Meta that those suspicious apps have been removed from their stores.

“Cybercriminals know how popular these types of apps are, and they’ll use similar themes to trick people and steal their accounts and information,” said David Agranovich, director of global threat disruption at Meta, according to Bloomberg.

Agranovich added, “If an app is promising something too good to be true, like unreleased features for another platform or a social media site, chances are that it has ulterior motives.”

On a precautionary note, Facebook said that it will share tips on how people can identify suspicious apps and avoid being “re-compromised” by learning to spot problematic apps better.

By Bibhu Pattnaik
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