European Firms Get ‘Crumbs’ From China’s ’One Belt, One Road': Business Group

European Firms Get ‘Crumbs’ From China’s ’One Belt, One Road': Business Group
Container handlers transport containers at the railway port in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China on April 15, 2017. (Reuters)

BEIJING—China’s “One Belt, One Road” investment scheme, which aims to connect Europe with Asia, is sidelining European companies and Brussels should review its competition law to level the playing field, a business lobby group said on Jan. 16.

Opaque procurement processes and the dominance of giant state-owned Chinese companies mean European companies get only “crumbs from the table,” the European Chamber of Commerce in China said in a report.

It said the European Union should move to force Chinese companies that access the EU procurement market to operate under the same restrictions that EU companies do in China.

“If the EU fails to play an active and competitive role, there is a real danger that it could eventually become little more than a peripheral market tacked on to the end of Eurasia,” the Chamber of Commerce said.

The “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR, also known as Belt and Road) initiative seeks to build a modern version of the Silk Road to link China with Asia, Europe and beyond through large-scale infrastructure projects that it has launched in more than 60 countries since 2013.

European companies are merely “niche players” in the OBOR, with just 20 chamber members of 132 survey respondents reporting that they had bid on OBOR projects, chamber President Joerg Wuttke told reporters on Monday ahead of the report’s release.

Those European companies that did get involved did so mainly through Chinese business partners or the government, and usually their role was to provide specific technologies or expertise that the Chinese side lacked, the report said.

Both Chinese and foreign companies can participate in OBOR projects through open, transparent means, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a daily briefing in Beijing on Thursday. Many European firms have participated in the OBOR, he said.

Chinese national champions were also gaining “monopolistic power” in some OBOR countries by building digital infrastructure that involved complete packages of software and hardware based on Chinese standards, according to the Chamber’s report.

Such companies benefited from heavy state support at home, which helped them beat international competitors.

“Smaller, less developed countries that do not have the capacity for setting their own standards will certainly be put under considerable pressure to simply adopt Chinese standards,” the report said.

The EU needed to allow its own companies to scale up by reviewing its competition law, it said. The EU’s own infrastructure initiative, the “Connectivity Strategy,” should also be prioritized as a “credible alternative” to the OBOR.

By Gabriel Crossley