EpochTV Review: Who’s Running This Show?

EpochTV Review: Who’s Running This Show?
Lacy Hall
In this Truth Over News episode, “Who’s In Charge of the DOJ,” the hosts discuss the absence of the Attorney General and what that implies when it comes to the Department of Justice. The episode begins with a video clip of the Attorney General, Merrick Garland speaking before the House and Senate judiciary committees. They are asking him why he did not see a memo that was sent out to prosecuting attorneys, which targeted parents who spoke up at school board meetings, and he is not able to answer their questions. He continued to fail to answer questions about why the Department of Justice targeted parents who are angered by the continued politicization of school boards. Garland had also received a letter from the Department of School Boards about the DOJ intimidating parents. His lack of response made it seem that he is being instructed rather than holding a leadership role. Garland also did not say anything about the people who were arrested during the Jan. 6 riots and who are in prison being coerced to convert to another political view as a condition of their release.
The hosts point out an example of Garland’s poor decision-making when he reinstated FBI official Andrew McCabe’s retirement benefits after he was terminated for lying while under oath. The DOJ has also erased all his records and gave him back pay. When asked about this, Garland said it was “the cheaper option.” He did not say anything about the injustice that was perpetrated by this individual. So, the question is raised as to why Garland was appointed to this position. The answer according to the host is that Garland is compliant and is a figurehead while others who are ranked below him do all the actual work.

Who Runs the DOJ?

The person who is next in line in the chain of command at the DOJ is Lisa Monaco. In the last days of the Obama administration, she took the lead on the intelligence community report, which was used to back up lies about former President Donald Trump and promote the Russia collusion investigation. She eventually went to work for CNN where she continued to push the Russia collusion story. She also worked on the Enron investigation. While there should have been a lot of resistance to her being appointed, the only two politicians to oppose her nomination were Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

Another person who is involved in running the DOJ is John Carlin, the principle Associate Deputy Attorney General and Monaco’s right hand man. Before his appointment to this position, he was the acting Attorney General and heavily involved in the Jan. 6 protests investigation. He informed the press in February that the investigation was moving forward at an unprecedented speed. Carlin’s other positions include Chief of Staff and counselor to FBI director, Robert Mueller, and also the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. During the Obama administration, Carlin was appointed as the Assistant Attorney General for National Security and his responsibilities included overseeing almost 400 employees who were responsible for protecting the country’s international and domestic terrorists. While in office, he coordinated with the NSD (National Security Division) and U.S. Attorney’s Office on the following issues:

· Prosecution of the Boston Marathon bombing cases.

· Disruption of terrorist plots and national security threats and bringing justice to the perpetrators.

· Overseeing the National Security Cyber Specialist Network and the National Security Anti-Terrorist Advisory programs.

· Investigated attacks on Sony’s computer systems.

· Brought indictments against five Chinese military members for their involvement in economic espionage.

· Secured the first federal jury conviction on charges under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996.

· Launched nationwide outreach efforts to raise awareness of national security and cyber threats of American companies’ industry wide.

Next in the chain of command after Carlin is Vanita Gupta who was Obama’s former head of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, and she is now the Associate Attorney General, which puts her third in line after Monaco and Carlin. She has been pushing for the Defund the Police movement and resists religious liberty.

Who’s In Charge at the DOJ? l Truth Over News [Full Episode]
Watch the full episode here.

The host continues to list major players at the DOJ. Pamela Karlan is the principal deputy assistant attorney general of Civil Rights and has been described by the New York Times as a “full-throated, unapologetic, liberal torch-bearer.” She played a role in the Ukraine impeachment and is a board member of Facebook. She promoted a lot of the Russia hysteria and advised that the United States should help the Ukraine fight Russia so that the United States would not have to fight Russia on its own territory. The partisan nature of the DOJ filters down to its lower levels as well. Some of the other major players are:

· Brian Boynton- the head of the civil division who represented the Democratic National Committee and was involved in some of the lawsuits following the 2020 presidential election.

· Elizabeth Prelogar- Solicitor General and previously legal advisor to Robert Mueller.

· Emily Loeb- Associate Attorney General and founder of the Protect Democracy group, which was started during the Trump administration and whose main objective was to oppose Trump.

Protect Democracy

Protect Democracy is an organization that was founded during the Trump administration. Emily Loeb was one of the founders of the group and is now appointed to the Department of Justice under the Biden administration. On the group’s website, it states their mission is to protect our democracy and keep our country from turning into an authoritarian form of government. However, the group’s website is full of anti-Trump rhetoric and boasts support for lawsuits against Trump regarding election results and blocking the building of the U.S.–Mexico border wall.

The video concludes with the host describing the DOJ under the Biden administration. He states, “The overarching goal is the fundamental transformation of America. Democrat leadership knew they didn’t have a viable two-term presidential candidate, so they chose to proceed with Biden knowing they would have a compliant president who would allow them to do as much damage as possible in the four years they had allotted to them.” This strategy continues to be the modus operandi of the DOJ as appointments like Garland as the Attorney General allow them to continue with their current objectives and agendas.

“Truth Over News” premiers every Tues and Thurs at 5 p.m.—exclusive on EpochTV.
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Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Lacy Hall is a native born Texan and lives in South Texas. She earned a bachelor of science degree in English/Education from Howard Payne University. She enjoys research and has a passion for writing entertaining, informative, and relevant content for her readers.
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