Epoch Reader Poll: Majority Want Biden Administration to Complete Border Wall

Epoch Reader Poll: Majority Want Biden Administration to Complete Border Wall
A construction vehicle is parked between fences at a reinforced section of the US-Mexico border fencing eastern Tijuana, Baja California state, Mexico on Jan. 20, 2021. Guillermo Arias/AFP via Getty Images
Bowen Xiao

A new survey of 24,700 readers of The Epoch Times shows completing the U.S.–Mexico border wall is overwhelmingly seen as a top priority, while Biden administration initiatives, such as ending the “Remain in Mexico” program for asylum-seekers and the pausing of deportations by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, are rated poorly.

Readers were surveyed on what they wanted the administration to do on border security, with more than 95 percent saying they wanted to see the wall—President Donald Trump’s signature campaign promise—finished. Eighty percent also indicated they wanted to see existing border laws enforced.

Nearly all those surveyed saw border security as an important issue, with more than 69 percent considering it one of the top three issues for them. Another 13 percent considered it their No. 1 issue, and more than 16 percent saw it as a top five issue, according to the data.

The release of the survey comes as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is asking for volunteers among its agencies to assist in dealing with an “overwhelming” surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, while the Biden administration continues to deny that a crisis exists.

Biden’s top policy actions regarding border security were rated by respondents, including its halting construction of the border wall, ending the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and pausing of ICE deportations.

More than 97 percent of respondents gave Biden the worst rating for halting work the border wall, with his other initiatives garnering similar percentages.

Conversely, more than 91 percent of respondents labeled Trump’s efforts to build the wall as “excellent.”

Respondents were also surveyed on the effects of illegal immigration and were asked to rank a number of factors from most concerning, to least concerning. More than 25 percent, the highest-rated option, said the increase in crime is most concerning to them. The next highest-rated choice was that illegal immigration “erodes national security.”

One respondent, a science teacher from California, said the safety of the nation is at stake if illegal immigration isn’t properly addressed.

“Our Nation cannot subsidize all the illegal immigrants that are flooding in,” Mary Norris stated. “If we try to, it will undermine our financial stability and our safety as a nation. Our children and our children’s children will have a bleak future if this is allowed.”

Other respondents said it’s wrong that federal agencies have been limited in their immigration-enforcement roles.

“ICE & the Border Patrol are federal agencies. That means they have federal charters, established by Congress, that tells them what their missions are and to what standard they must meet those missions,” wrote Joseph L. Ward, a retired U.S. Army veteran.

“By limiting ICE & the USBP’s actions, the government is actually violating its own federal laws!” added Ward, who lives in New Mexico.

Some states such as Arizona and Montana are now taking legal action (pdf) to block new Biden administration immigration regulations, saying that these would cause negative consequences for the states.

One respondent from New Mexico said she supports legal immigration, adding that America needs to do more to take care of its own citizens.

“I have many friends that live ‘on’ the border. People just don’t know what they deal with daily. Why should we bring more people in when we aren’t even doing a good job taking care of our own,” wrote Stacy, an office manager.

“I also have helped people get visas and green cards, the right way. Many have become citizens. They did the hard work and are proud of it. They don’t agree with this at all.”

Bowen Xiao
Bowen Xiao
Bowen Xiao was a New York-based reporter at The Epoch Times. He covers national security, human trafficking and U.S. politics.
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