Energy Efficient Upgrades: Top 7 Improvements You can do Now to Save You Money

Energy Efficient Upgrades: Top 7 Improvements You can do Now to Save You Money
Robert Morrison

As a homeowner, you are probably always looking for ways to save money, on pretty much everything. Sometimes, it can seem like it is next to impossible to lower your energy bills. But, there are things you can do that will help you save money. For instance, there are many inexpensive home improvements you can do that will significantly lower your energy bills, and you can save hundreds of dollars each year for a minimal investment. Here are the top seven home improvements you can do now to save money:

  • Install Ceiling Fans – While electric table and floor fans can cost a lot to run, you can get the same cooling benefits at a much lower cost by installing ceiling fans. You can get inexpensive fans for around $50 at hardware and department stores.
  • Replace Windows – This is the most expensive of these tips, but it will definitely pay for itself in just a few years. Switching double-hung windows for insulated wood or insulated vinyl windows will cost around $10,000, but you will definitely notice the savings on your energy bills, year after year. You can start out small, and just change a couple of windows each year. The total average cost for replacement windows: 270-600.00 According to RemodelingExpense.
  • Go Low-Flow – You can change the water fixtures in your home to low-flow fixtures. Not only are you going to save money on your energy bill by doing this, but you will also save money on your water bill. In fact, according to Energy Star, just by switching your water fixtures for low-flow types, you can save up to 50% of the water you normally use, and save as much as $145 each year. This is not an expensive home improvement. For instance, you can find many low-flow showerheads at your local hardware store or department store for around $20.
  • Add Insulation – Insulation not only helps keep your home warm in the winter, it helps to cool it in the summer. It can lower heating and cooling costs by up to 20%. This is an inexpensive home improvement, with rolls of insulation costing less than $20 at home improvement stores.
  • Program Your Heat – You can get programmable thermostats at hardware stores and department stores for less than $30. They can be tricky to learn how to use, but once you get the hang of it, you can save as much as $150 each year on your energy bills. You are also going to get better heating, as these thermostats tend to be much more accurate than traditional thermostats.
  • Check out Tankless Water Heaters – When you have a water heater, you are using a lot of energy to keep water hot. Also, you are using a lot more water than is really necessary. You can now get tankless water heaters, and by using one of these you can save as much as 20% on your water bills. Plus, you will save money on your energy bills because you won’t be heating so much water. Another perk is that the Federal Government will give you a rebate for buying one.
  • Install Weather Stripping – If you notice any drafts in your home, you will also likely notice that your energy bills are higher than they should be. Drafts can come in from doors and windows, even when they are shut. In fact, drafts can be the cause of up to 40% of your heating loss. A little bit of weather stripping, which costs less than $10 at most hardware stores, can help you save a lot of money on your energy bills.

Image Source: Photo Dean