ECB Must Keep Raising Rates Even If Recession Risks Rise, Lagarde Says

ECB Must Keep Raising Rates Even If Recession Risks Rise, Lagarde Says
President of European Central Bank Christine Lagarde addresses a news conference following the meeting of the Governing Council's monetary in Frankfurt, Germany, on March 10, 2022. (Daniel Roland/Pool via Reuters)

FRANKFURT—The European Central Bank must keep raising interest rates to fight off inflation, even if the probability of a eurozone recession has increased, ECB President Christine Lagarde said in an interview published on Tuesday.

“Our mandate is price stability and we have to deliver on that using all the tools we have available,” Lagarde told Latvian news outlet Delfi, largely repeating last week’s policy message. “We are determined to do what is necessary to bring inflation back to our 2 percent target.”

The ECB has raised interest rates by a combined 200 basis points over the past three meetings, and markets are pricing in a string of further moves that would take the 1.5 percent deposit rate close to 3 percent in 2023.

“The destination is clear, and we are not there yet,” Lagarde said without specifying where rate hikes might end. “We will have further rate increases in the future.”

Inflation rose to 10.7 percent in October and is expected to stay above the ECB’s 2 percent target through 2024, raising the risk that businesses and households start adjusting their behavior as they lose trust in the ECB’s willingness to get it back down.

“The longer inflation stays at such high levels, the greater the risk that it spreads throughout the economy,” Lagarde said.