CONTINUE?9876543210 Reviews: Crazy Game Pleases Some, Upsets Others

CONTINUE?9876543210 Reviews: Crazy Game Pleases Some, Upsets Others
Zachary Stieber

The ‘CONTINUE?9876543210’ game is getting a range of reviews, with some players pleased with the game while others are slamming it.

The game is described as difficult to explain or even grasp unless you play it.

“Continue?9876543210 is arty game that actually attempts to challenge us, yet their short, repetitive, ritualistic nature can interrupt the themes that make this a unique and interesting game,” IGN’s fairly positive review said. “Perhaps the most paradoxical aspect of Continue? is that for a game so committed to abstraction and ambiguity, it itself is what it appears to be.”

Users on MetaCritic called it an unpolished game but “an interactive poem,” and “an original journey” if you’re willing to dedicate the time to truly understand it.

On Steam, where the game costs $9.99, the game got mostly negative reviews.

The top review, from user Kerma, said that the gameplay is fine but that it is very repetitive.

“ I was about to quit and take a break after the third one of these, but then I realized that there is no save feature in the game- the point is to play the game in one sitting it seems. And so I druged on (and how fitting to relate to the plot of the game), hoping the game wouldn’t be TOO much of this. While the gameplay is unique and quirky, after the 3rd or 4th time through, it just gets old.

“The music and the graphics are fitting to the theme of the game, but leave much to be desired. I found the graphics and music just plain boring to look at and listen to, and while there are some flashy scenes and very well done graphical choices during cutscenes, the levels look somewhat all the same in exception to a few that look amazing (the level where you’re chasing down your reflections in the sea comes to mind) and in the end I just grew tired of it all very quickly.

“It’s very ironic that a game where you have to find peace with yourself grows harder and harder to get through. I found myself getting very bored with this game very quickly. But it’s not about the game right? It’s about the experience!”

Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]