Chinese Immigrant Says She Doesn’t Want to See America Lose Her Freedoms

Chinese Immigrant Says She Doesn’t Want to See America Lose Her Freedoms
Jenny attended a Stop the Steal rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Nov. 7, 2020. NTD Television
NTD Television

HARRISBURG, Pa.—Jenny came to America from China decades ago, and she said she knew in America if she worked hard she could achieve her dreams, and has felt fortunate to call America her home.

On Nov. 7, 2020, she joined a demonstration for the first time in her life, because she feels America has come to a critical point and freedoms are at stake with a fair election.

“Since I’ve come to this land, I’ve found here in America freedom and opportunity, it’s the land of opportunity, the land of promise, the land of the dream, and so I think we need to exercise our freedoms,” said Jenny at a Stop the Steal rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

“I’m here in Pennsylvania today to join this rally, I’ve never joined a protest before but I think America at a turning point and people need to step forward and protect our freedoms, support our values, because I may be an immigrant but America is my home,” Jenny said. She added that immigrants, voters or not, should think about joining such demonstrations because no matter what candidate they like, they are on American soil, and their homes and their livelihoods are on American soil, where American freedoms are at stake.

Jenny supports President Donald Trump. She says she’s lived in a communist country, and certainly does not want to see America become a socialist country.

“It’s not about the candidate it’s about whether this is a fair election,” she said.

“But today with this threat of election fraud, if this goes through, if this can be allowed to happen we can’t go back. So we have to use our voices today, and support Trump, and support a fair election,” she said.