CCP Labels Pan-Blue Members as Falun Gong

CCP Labels Pan-Blue Members as Falun Gong
Sun Buer, spokesperson for Pan-Blue Alliance in China. (The Epoch Times)

On the evening of May 16, 2007, Meng Jian, a member of the Pan-Blue Alliance in China’s Jilin Province, was taken into custody for questioning by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP insisted that Meng was a Falun Gong practitioner and that for this crime he would be sent to a labor camp.

Meng managed to escape at 9:00 p.m. that same evening by leaping through a third floor window when his captors were not paying attention. Other Pan-Blue Alliance members including Zhang Zilin and Cai Aimin, have also been taken into custody and/or placed under close surveillance.

In a May 19 interview with The Epoch Times, Sun Buer, a spokesperson for the Pan-Blue Alliance in China, said that the CCP is now labeling all Pan-Blue members as Falun Gong practitioners. Pan-Blue strongly objects to this change in CCP policy.

“Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted much more severely than Pan-Blue Alliance members,” said Sun. “The CCP’s treatment for Falun Gong practitioner is to count every practitioner beaten to death as suicide, to destroy their reputations, exhaust them financially, and eliminate them physically. The CCP is now labeling all Pan-Blue Alliance members as Falun Gong practitioners. The purpose of reclassifying Pan-Blue members as practitioners of Falun Gong is to allow the CCP to legally mistreat Pan-Blue members in the same manner in which they currently mistreat practitioners of Falun Gong. It is a very evil scheme.”

Sun said that Meng contacted him by phone on the May 17, and told Sun that the CCP was planning to send him to a labor camp as a Falun Gong practitioner. Meng described his escape, leaping from a third-story window. Meng was still on the run when The Epoch Times interviewed Sun.

Sun said that Meng’s wife is very concerned for Meng’s safety, and she herself is under constant surveillance by CCP agents.

The reporter tried contacting Meng and his wife without success.

Pan-Blue Members Interrogated, ‘Missing’

Sun furthered informed The Epoch Times that Pan-Blue members are being summoned for interrogation all the time. Some have been arrested and some are simply reported as “missing”.

Sun said he believes this new pressure by the CCP against Pan-Blue is occurring because of Pan-Blue’s promotion of basic human rights

“Our struggle to uphold basic human rights is the biggest threat to the CCP right now.”

Sun added that Pan-Blue’s struggle to defend human rights is promoting Taiwan’s movement toward true democracy. That strikes the foundation of the CCP’s political system at its heart and that is why the increased oppression toward the Pan-Blue Alliance grows fiercer each day.

“This is a very evil scheme, because members of the Pan-Blue Alliance are now being persecuted as practitioners of Falun Gong. The Chinese communist regime’s continuing persecution against Falun Gong continues to defy all standards of moral behavior and humanity. Except that there are far more Falun Gong practitioners, and they are being subjected to far more gruesome persecutions than members of the Pan-Blue Alliance, the mistreatment of both groups by the CCP is now similar.”

Pan-Blue Ban Backfires; CCP Re-Labels Pan-Blue as Falun Gong

Sun believes that when the CCP reclassified the Pan-Blue Alliance as an illegal organization, its actions actually stimulated many people to learn more about it. After researching the organization, most people come to the conclusion that the CCP has lied about the Pan-Blue Alliance. Pan-Blue is neither an anti-China organization nor a group of crazed zealots. People see that members are very clear in their thinking and objectives for improving human rights in China.

“The Chinese regime said my parents practice Falun Gong, but in reality they are just members of the Pan-Blue Alliance.”

According to Sun, what happened with Pan-Blue is just like what happened after CCTV broadcast the lies regarding Falun Gong practitioners’ supposed “self-immolation.” After discovering the truth, people quickly realized that Falun Gong champions the principles of “Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance” in everyday life. Falun Gong is not the evil entity portrayed by the CCP.

“The false media reports have actually brought people to a better understanding of Falun Gong and the truth behind it. At the same time, it has also enabled people to better understand the evil and violent nature of the CCP.”

Sun used himself as an example. He said that initially he knew very little about Falun Gong. It was only after the CCP had plastered every form of media with lies about the practice that he became curious and borrowed some Falun Gong books from a friend. After reading the books, he realized Falun Gong was nothing like what had been portrayed by the CCP.