Caught on Camera: Boy Playing in Rain Almost Struck by Lighting

Caught on Camera: Boy Playing in Rain Almost Struck by Lighting
A boy in northwest Argentina has a close brush with death when lightning strikes in his backyard as he's playing in the rain. Youtube/MIsiones Online
Holly Kellum

A mom filming her 12-year-old son playing in the backyard during a thunderstorm captures his close brush with death.

Mother Carolina Kotur told local media she was standing with her daughter, who has a fear of thunderstorms, watching her son play in the backyard of their home when it happened.

They live in Posadas, a city in the northeastern Argentine province of Misiones.

The boy can be seen with an umbrella and raincoat playing in a gushing water spout that had swollen with rain.

She said she was filming him as “a joke,” but when he ventured into the yard, it was no laughing matter.

Just 16 seconds into the video, as he is walking toward the family pool, a flash of lightning can be seen just yards away from the boy.

The mother appears to drop the phone and the video ends.

Despite the lightning strike’s proximity, the boy is unhurt. “Thank God, nothing happened to him,” she told local media.

The fierce storm did take two lives however.

Brothers Sinforiano Venialgo Vazquez, 43, and Simon Venialgo Vazquez, 41, were killed near their home when lightning struck in the Paraguayan town of San Pedro del Parana, just 40 miles northwest of Posadas.

The storm brought hail in at least one area, and left some communities without power, local Paraguayan media ABC Color reports.
Holly Kellum
Holly Kellum
Washington Correspondent
Holly Kellum is a Washington correspondent for NTD. She has worked for NTD on and off since 2012.