Capitol Report (March 28): Americans Losing Trust in CDC

Capitol Report (March 28): Americans Losing Trust in CDC
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testifies at a Senate Health, Education, and Labor and Pensions Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington on Sept. 23, 2020. (Graeme Jennings/Pool/Getty Images)
Steve Lance

President Joe Biden announced his budget goals for next year. He aims to tax the rich, fund the police, and counter china. We'll take a look at how the administration wants to spend your tax dollars.

The data is in and according to a new poll, the vast majority of independent voters say that the Biden family’s ties to Ukraine and China present a serious conflict of interest. How will Biden handle China as the situation in Ukraine unfolds?

Biden’s surprising remark that Putin “cannot remain in power”—was it a gaffe or a signal of escalation?

As gas prices continue to soar, lawmakers look for unusual solutions to help lower the costs for consumers.

Have the Democrats’ energy policies stifled American energy from being unleashed to help lower the cost of energy? And have the American people lost trust in the once-highly regarded CDC after mixed messaging related to the pandemic? Physician and heart surgeon Congressman Larry Bucshon joins us to discuss.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting Israel. He hopes to reassure allies of his commitment to keeping Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
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Steve Lance is the host of Capitol Report, a political news show based in Washington aimed at providing a direct channel to the voices and people who shape policy in America. Capitol Report features all of the political news of the day with expert interviews and analysis.
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