Burton, McCartney Win at Britain’s Fashion Awards

Sarah Burton, who designed Kate Middleton’s wedding dress, and Stella McCartney, daughter of Sir Paul, were among the big winners at the British Fashion Awards in London on Nov. 28.
Burton, McCartney Win at Britain’s Fashion Awards
Stella McCartney (Tim Whitby/Getty Images)
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Burton, McCartney Win at Britain's Fashion Awards

Sarah Burton, who designed Kate Middleton’s wedding dress, and Stella McCartney, daughter of Sir Paul, were among the big winners at the British Fashion Awards in London on Nov. 28. Burton, creative director at Alexander McQueen, was named Designer of the Year, the most prestigious prize. McCartney won the Red Carpet Award, while Victoria Beckham snagged Designer Brand of the Year. Stella Tennant, 40, who has fronted campaigns for Chanel and Zara, was named Model of the Year.








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Burton, McCartney win at Britain's fashion awards