Bret Michaels Cuts Concert Short Due to Emergency

Bret Michaels Cuts Concert Short Due to Emergency
Bret Michaels Rushed Offstage Last Night. Photo Credit:
Bianca Silva

Bret Michaels cut his Manchester, N.H. concert short last night due to a medical emergency.

He was performing when all of a sudden he rushed offstage to be evaluated by paramedics. Michael’s guitarist Pete Evick wrote on Facebook that: “Tonight in Manchester, NH 3 songs into the set Bret had me sing a song as he rushed off stage. In the 9 years I’ve stood next to him, I’ve never seen a look like the one on his face as if I was a complete stranger. One of the crew returned instantly to notify me that Bret’s blood sugar was extremely low.”

Michaels did eventually return to the stage only to tell the audience that he could not go on with the performance.

He went on Twitter late Thursday night to thank the paramedics for assisting him: 

“Sending a shout out 2 all the paramedics both on & off duty who assisted Bret tonight. No words can thank you enough for ur help - Team Bret”

Michaels has suffered from Type 1 Diabetes since he was a child and constantly monitors his blood sugar. He previously underwent heart surgery and suffered a brain hemorrhage that nearly costed his life. 

Bianca Silva has been into music from a young age. Driven by her passion for rock, she decided to turn her passion into a career. She has written for Boxx Music Magazine and had her own rocker-based blog called Indie Pit. Her love for music journalism doesn't stop her from tackling other areas such as sports, food and politics, to which she'll post here on occasion. She tweets as @binkstertweed.
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