Brazil Party Official Shot Dead at Birthday Party Ahead of Heated Election

Brazil Party Official Shot Dead at Birthday Party Ahead of Heated Election
Marcelo Arruda in Brazil on Sept. 9, 2020. (Christian Rizzi/Reuters)

SAO PAULO—A local official from Brazil’s leftist opposition Workers’ Party (PT) was shot dead on Saturday by a federal prison guard, according to state law enforcement.

Marcelo Arruda, a municipal guard and PT official, was celebrating his birthday party in the southern Brazilian city of Foz de Iguacu, in the state of Parana, when Jorge Jose da Rocha Guaranho entered the event and shot him dead.

According to a statement from Parana’s public security office, Arruda and Guaranho “had a disagreement” at the birthday party, which resulted in both men being shot. Arruda died, while Guaranho was in intensive care, the statement said.

Previously, the Workers’ Party had said in a statement that Guaranho also died.

Arruda’s death augurs badly ahead of an October general election amid intense political polarization in Brazil.

Aluizio Palmar, a journalist at the party, told Reuters that a man arrived and started screaming in support of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro.

According to Palmar, the man left but returned about 15 or 20 minutes later, pointing a gun at Arruda.

Arruda ordered him to stop, identifying himself as a member of the security forces.

Both men then opened fire, according to a civil police report and security camera images circulated in local media, which showed them both injured, rolling around on the floor.

“Another dear comrade passed away this morning, a victim of intolerance, hatred, and political violence,” said the PT’s national president, Gleisi Hoffmann, in a statement.

Bolsonaro said on Tuesday there is no justification for the murder. He has also called members of Arruda’s family. In his recorded phone call, he suggested they tell the media he shouldn’t be blamed for the murder.

“Since almost all of the press is on the left, they are basically putting this guy’s actions on my back,” the president told two of Arruda’s brothers. “The left has made this a political issue.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.