Batman vs Superman: Aquaman is ‘Super Strong,’ Could ‘Cut’ Superman Says Director Zack Snyder

Batman vs Superman: Aquaman is ‘Super Strong,’ Could ‘Cut’ Superman Says Director Zack Snyder
Zachary Stieber

Batman vs Superman may include Aquaman, the Justice League member who watches over the sea and speaks to animals.

That potential addition was being discussed by the hosts of the Stoney and Bill radio show on Detroit’s 97.1 on Friday, prompting a call from director Zack Snyder.

Snyder said he was listening to the show on his way to the set and disagreed with how the hosts were slamming Aquaman.

He said that Aquaman is capable, and a trident that can “cut the flesh of Superman if they came in contact.”

“He’s super strong,” Snyder said.

“It’s not to say that he’s in the movie or anything like that,” Snyder said. “But he has the potential to be bad ass.”

The inclusion of Aquaman in the movie hasn’t been confirmed, but Snyder may well have confirmed it in the call.

Many rumors say that Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa is playing the role.

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is currently filming in the Detroit area, and will hit theaters on March 25, 2016.

The film brings together Batman (Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill) on-screen for the first time. Snyder, who directed Man of Steel, is directing the movie. Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, and Jeremy Irons are among the other stars.