Batman Arkham Knight Release Date: 2015 Launch for Xbox One, PS4, and PC (+Batmobile Video)

Batman: Arkham Knight will be launch in 2015 instead of fall 2014 as previously planned.
Batman Arkham Knight Release Date: 2015 Launch for Xbox One, PS4, and PC (+Batmobile Video)

Batman: Arkham Knight will be launch in 2015 instead of fall 2014 as previously planned.

Guy Perkins, Rocksteady Studios marketing manager, told GameSpot, “We just want to make this the best experience that we can, and that takes time.”

“We feel that we have an absolutely awesome game in the works, and we want to make it as great as it possibly can be. We just need more time to do that.”

“If we didn’t give the team more time to do it, then we would be releasing something that we weren’t happy with. We want to make sure we’re absolutely nailing it 100 percent.”

The game will also not be released on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 because of the game’s graphic demands.

“The Batmobile is one thing we just couldn’t do on previous gen. It’s not just a case of having a car, it’s a case of building a city where the car feels at home,” Perkins said.

“So if we were to try and bring the Batmobile into Arkham City, for example, the streets aren’t conducive to that driving experience. You have to create a much bigger environment to house the vehicle.”

“Gotham City is five times larger than the game world of Arkham City. And by virtue of having a bigger city, you need more memory and more horsepower to just make that happen,” he added.

In fact, just the character models for Batman alone would cripple last-generation gaming devices.

“The details on the models we have is insanely huge at this moment--the detail on Batman alone is phenomenal,” said Perkins.

“Having these current-gen platforms [Xbox One and PS4] allows us to really flex our muscles in terms of art and animation, and we’re building everything to make it look as good as it possibly can.”

“The beauty is our engine team can now say yes to our artists; before they were always struggling with what they have available. But now it’s more a case of, ‘What can’t we do?’ and, ‘Where can we push it even harder?’” Perkins added.

Game performance on the Xbox One and PS4 version should be comparable.

Perkins said, “We have a benchmark in mind, and we want to give gamers the best experience.”

“We are optimizing at the moment; it’s always a challenge, but we want to get to the best place.”

Larry Ong
Larry Ong
Larry Ong is a New York-based journalist with Epoch Times. He writes about China and Hong Kong. He is also a graduate of the National University of Singapore, where he read history.