Reese McKee, NZ Man, Finds US Woman a Year After They Met in Hong Kong--But No Happy Ending

Reese McKee, NZ Man, Finds US Woman a Year After They Met in Hong Kong--But No Happy Ending
Zachary Stieber

Reese McKee, a New Zealand resident, met a woman named Katie in Hong Kong one magical night about a year ago, and hasn’t forgotten about her since.

McKee, 25, recounted that he saw the young woman sitting on the side of the road, crying. He approached her and started cracking jokes, and cheered her up about being separated from her friends.

They spent the night drinking and dancing, then parted ways. Katie told him right before they parted: “Find me,” and they took a picture together.

McKee decided to reach out to Facebook friends to help him track down Katie, who he knew little about.

The friends succeeded, but it was too much--after Katie was found, she received thousands of messages and ended up deleting her account.

McKee has since deleted the page on which he requested the search.

“The Facebook thing was getting out of hand. They were starting to infringe on other people. They tracked down every Katie in the DC area, which is a bit much,” he told the New Zealand Herald. “We found the girl ... She is from DC, she’s not there at the moment, but she’s sorta taken all her public profiles [offline] for a little bit.”

In his original post, McKee expressed optimism.

“I was hurt a long time ago,” he wrote to followers. “The hopeless romantic in me was locked away when he got hurt because it was too much. For too long, this has effected my relationships, and I’ve failed people.”

His search was “also about finding me, finding myself and who I know I can be. I hope to find her. And along the way, find myself.”