Re: ‘Resources for Studying the Classics’

We need to see the classical education model revived in our schools.
Re: ‘Resources for Studying the Classics’
The Reader's Turn
As I was reading the Sept. 13–19 issue of The Epoch Times, I was very interested in the article by Walker Larson on studying the classics, “Resources for Studying the Classics.” But I was even more surprised and pleased to see that he listed Memoria College as his first resource for those seeking to pursue this endeavor! You see, this past July, I graduated from Memoria College, part of the first graduating class of their Masters in the Great Books program. The last three years have changed my life.

That may not seem strange to those who know the transformative power of education, but the fact that I am 69 years old may cause some to take a second look. The program began in the summer of 2020, immediately after I had retired from a 16-year career teaching high school English and writing in a private Christian school. I was on Memoria Press’s mailing list and received an invitation to join their new college on this incredible journey. I had never taken online classes, so I decided to audit a five-week seminar and see what I thought.

The rest is history. I loved the class and completed the full application process. For the last three years, I have had an incredible adventure in learning, being challenged to study things I had never considered before, sharpening my own writing and analysis skills, opening my mind to different ideas and ways of looking at issues and ideas. These were the exercises that caused me to feel myself expanding and growing, becoming part of, as Larson states, the great conversation that has gone on for centuries.

This experience has convinced me more than ever that we need to see the classical education model revived in our schools. Memoria Press even provides classical materials for students with learning difficulties. Classical education is not out of the reach of any student. An important part of Memoria College’s mission is to train those who study with them to pass this on to the next generation, whether formally as teachers, or as parents and grandparents, friends, fellow church members, fellow citizens of this great nation. I would encourage anyone who is interested to investigate this program (that will soon be accredited) and even if you do not stay to earn a full degree, take some classes to stretch your mind and spirit. I am so glad I did!

Kathy Walston Texas

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