Powerball Winners: Paul White of Minnesota One of 3 Powerball Jackpot Winners

Powerball Winners: Paul White of Minnesota One of 3 Powerball Jackpot Winners
Zachary Stieber

Paul White of Ham Lake, Minnesota has been revealed as one of three Powerball jackpot winners.

White will receive approximately $149 million before taxes, or one-third of the $448 million Powerball jackpot.

“I ran around the office screaming when I saw the numbers,” White told  reporter Dave Berggren on Thursday.

He said he’s thinking of his family first, including his parents.

He purchased the tickets at the Holiday Station in Ham Lake.

“I’ve gone through this in my head so many times in my life, that it feels like it’s finally coming true,” said White at an afternoon press conference.

White says he learned he was holding a winning ticket Thursday morning after his “significant other” called him to say one of three winners had been sold in Minnesota. He says he purchased two tickets for Wednesday’s drawing, and found one matched all six numbers.

The other two jackpot winners, of New Jersey, haven’t been revealed yet.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.