Mr. Joseph Kuo Nan-Hong: Shen Yun Highest Form of Art

Joseph Kuo Nan-Hong: “My wife saw it in Los Angeles once and she said that she wanted to see it again. I will meet my friends in southern Taiwan and attend the performance when Shen Yun comes to Tainan.”
Mr. Joseph Kuo Nan-Hong: Shen Yun Highest Form of Art

Speaking as a theatrical professional, Mr. Kuo said that Shen Yun is a “world-class, top arts group.”

<a><img class=" wp-image-1769712 " title="130301105033100440" src="" alt="Joseph Kuo Nan-Hong said, after watching Shen Yun" width="357" height="472"/></a>
Joseph Kuo Nan-Hong said, after watching Shen Yun

KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan—Mr. Joseph Kuo Nan-Hong has directed, written and produced countless martial arts and romantic movies and is known as the godfather of films in Taiwan. On March 1, Mr. Kuo enjoyed an artistic feast with Shen Yun Performing Arts and said, “I believe that many artists in the world admire Shen Yun’s quality. It is the highest form of dancing art that mankind could possibly achieve. I am beyond admiring it!”

Mr. Kuo attends Shen Yun every year, “Every time I watched it, it brought me a new kind of sensation. Every time I was so emotional that I cried. I respect the artists and the staff because they had to have devoted so much to this production.”

Speaking as a theatrical professional, Mr. Kuo said that Shen Yun is a “world-class, top arts group.” He gave an example: “In each program there were dozens of artists. They transformed into 20 to 30 kinds of arrangements and each transformation was flawless. How they could accomplish that was beyond me!”

Believing that everyone in Shen Yun has worked devotedly, he paid a high tribute to “those who were behind the curtain, the artists, the costume designers, the musicians, and those who worked on the stage props and special effects; because of them, people in this world can enjoy the ultimate dancing art!”

Mr. Kuo recommends Shen Yun to everyone: “You will not forget it in your life. My wife saw it in Los Angeles once and she said that she wanted to see it again. I will meet my friends in southern Taiwan and attend the performance when Shen Yun comes to Tainan.”

Read original Chinese article.

Reporting by Chiu-Lian Yang and Hsin-Yi Lin.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

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