Innovation: Turning Ideas Into Concrete Reality

Innovation: Turning Ideas Into Concrete Reality
Dave Mather

Almost everyone has a “better” idea. Unfortunately, we cannot implement every idea, and if we’re not careful, we could shut down the flow of helpful suggestions. 

Years ago, I heard a manager say, “Don’t bring me problems. Bring me solutions!” The idea of coaching people to solve their own problems makes sense; however, the person skilled in spotting potential problems may not know how to solve them. 

Rather than demanding a solution, we recommend being open to hearing problems, but please, no BMWs (beefing, moaning, whining.)

Building a sustainable future requires more than ideas—it takes enterprise-wide, quick-on-your-feet adjustments. 

Here’s a typical scenario. Management begins with an idea and then brainstorms with others on how to make the idea work. They get dozens of suggestions and try to find the “best” way to pursue the idea. 

Conversations often stretch into days, weeks, even months. Momentum fades. Eventually, someone asks, “Whatever happened to that idea?” 

Ideas get filtered through the “been there, done that, got the T-shirt” mindset. 

I have a poster in my office from a project we did with TRW. It begins with a box containing a bright light bulb with the caption, “I have an idea …” 

Subsequent boxes have dimmer and dimmer light bulbs with captions such as, “A word of caution,” “A little too radical,” “I like it myself but …,” “We tried something like that once,” “Let me play the devil’s advocate,” “It’s just not us,” or “I wish it were that easy.” 

The last box is completely black with the caption, “Oh well, it was just an idea.” No wonder innovation is a struggle for most organizations.

A Mindful Approach

Film directors, musicians, painters, and composers use a distinctly different creative approach. To them, creating is bringing something they want into existence. Their process has form, but is not a formula. 

In his book, Creating, Robert Fritz outlined this approach:

• Conceptualize, or dream about what you want
• Envision your desired end result. (This is a concrete picture, not a concept)
• Evaluate where you are in relation to your desired end result
• Formulate steps to move you toward your desired end result
• Take action, evaluate your progress, make adjustments, compare where you are to where you desire to be, and, from this perspective, create new actions
• Design original ways to make progress or learn how others created similar results. Evaluate how their approaches relate to your desired outcome. What matters is moving toward your desired end result, not whether what you do is inventive or traditional
• Create momentum by taking focused action. Build on previous actions and learn as you go
• Test ideas and implement small-scale pilot programs 
• Constantly compare what you have to what you are creating, and make appropriate adjustments

This process has stood the test of time, and it is contrary to many deeply held but flawed business concepts. 

For example: Michelangelo did not stare at a hunk of marble, envision a statue of David, and simply chip away extraneous pieces of stone. He made dozens of sketches and several miniature statues before he created the 17-foot masterpiece that still stands today.

Wanting something badly enough does not produce tangible outcomes. A positive attitude or strong belief, in and of itself, does not produce tangible outcomes. Surprisingly, actions alone do not always produce desired results. 

Intentions are not actions; only focused actions create movement toward or away from your desired end result. No one knows for sure what an action will produce until they take that action. 

The approach outlined above is a mindful approach that taps into the incredible capability of the human mind. 

Dave Mather
Dave Mather
Dave has been a business coach for over 40 years. He has travelled across Canada, the United States, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Australia, and South Africa giving presentations and coaching business people to improve performance and create breakthrough results. Dave specializes in helping senior managers/owners turn desired outcomes into viable business realities. Dave’s clients have created millions of dollars of tangible short-term results on behalf of their long-term visions.