Infographic Shows how Interactive People are on Social Media Networks

Infographic Shows how Interactive People are on Social Media Networks
Linda Moore

Social network came out and took off. There was little to no ramp up time; people gravitated to this form of online communication quickly and continue to use it with as much voraciousness as before, if not more. Indeed, 67 percent of adults visit social media sites. I’m one of them… are you? The recently released Social Networking infographic shows just how social people are online.

Let’s delve into this a bit. Over 91 percent of those that visit social media sites use them regularly. Women tend to use social media sites more often than men, but only by a slim margin, 71 percent versus 62 percent. US mobile users spent 15 percent of their time using mobile social media apps in the first quarter of 2013 alone. The infographic states social media sites are actually the most visited sites on the web, with 20 percent coming from personal computers and 30 percent from mobile users.

When are people finding all this time to use social media sites? According to recent data, Americans between the ages of 25-34 are most likely to use social media sites in the office. So, those 15 minutes breaks companies provide during the workday are likely being used to comment on social media posts.

What is the big deal about social media? Why are people so drawn to post about their lives or comment on other people’s pictures with such consistency? Most people just want to keep up with friends, rekindle long past relationships and cultivate business contacts, however 25 percent of people say that participating on social media sites has given them more confidence. About 40 percent of online users socialize with their friends through the internet more than they do in person. While the totals are staggering, it’s also important to note that, people lie about their habits. In fact, 25 percent of Americans and 28 percent of Britons have admitted to lying on social media sites.

There are many reasons users utilize these services, including connecting to people they know, accessing business networks, and finding new people to talk to who they find attractive and popular. Whether you’re part of the 6 percent who always accept friend requests or simply part of the 6 percent who want to build new connections, chat sites can be a great source for meeting new people.

I am a freelance writer and enjoy reporting on a variety of topics.
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