Edward Snowden Refutes Claim That CIA ‘Accidentally Destroyed’ Torture Files

A source said during the summer of 2015, an inspector general for the CIA deleted the uploaded computer file—then accidentally destroyed a disk containing it.
Edward Snowden Refutes Claim That CIA ‘Accidentally Destroyed’ Torture Files
Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), and NSA leaker Edward Snowden. (AP Photo/CBS News, Chris Usher and AP Photo/The Guardian, Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras)

The trailer for the movie, “Snowden,” was released on April 27.

The Hollywood film, directed by Oliver Stone, focuses on the NSA whistleblower, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

“Snowden” tells the story of the former NSA contractor who has been charged with espionage for releasing details in 2013 of a secret government eavesdropping program.