‘Creepy Old Guy’ Fed Up With Long Hair Gets Makeover, Can’t Even Recognize Himself After

‘Creepy Old Guy’ Fed Up With Long Hair Gets Makeover, Can’t Even Recognize Himself After
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
From the archives: This story was last updated in May 2019.
Frankie Verroca is a 65-year-old actor from New York who didn’t think anybody would want to date him. Sporting long, gray, straggly hair, a rocker beard, and a baggy flannel wardrobe, he may have been right! But for Frankie, help was at hand in the form of a rather unlikely makeover dream team: Frankie’s feisty 100-year-old aunt, and “The Rachael Ray Show.”

“The last time I got a haircut was over five years ago,” Frankie admitted, pausing briefly to think about it. How long was his hair at its longest? “How long is my arm-span?” Frankie retorted. “Little by little I went from this young, character type to this old, creepy type,” the likeable actor shared.

Frankie has worked as a character actor since high school and has played “extra” roles on huge productions such as “Saturday Night Fever,” “Kojak,” and “Gotham.” However, in recent years, Frankie has largely been typecast as “creepy old guys” and portrayals of members of the homeless community because of his unkempt appearance. It’s not hard to see why; just look at the “before” shots! Frankie’s hair, albeit thick and strong, was somewhat reminiscent of a 1980s heavy metal aesthetic, and allegedly Frankie was no stranger to getting his beard stuck in his zipper.

“My hair is impossible at this point,” Frankie sighed.

Frankie’s Aunt Francie hassled her nephew into submitting his case for a makeover on “The Rachael Ray Show,“ which the 100-year-old watches religiously. ”I‘d like to see you with short hair!“ Aunt Francie declared, and everything changed: ”I’d like to see you like regular Frankie!“ Frankie gestured to his beard in the funny, behind-the-scenes footage. His feisty aunt retorted, ”Yeah, I don’t like the beard either!”

Well, it seems that Aunt Francie’s wish was made true. Rachael Ray’s makeover team had their work cut out for them, but after a few hours of working their magic, Frankie’s new look was ready to be shared with the world.

When Frankie turned around and saw himself for the first time, “shocked” would be something of an understatement; he barely recognized himself. You won’t, either! Even the audience was delighted and amazed by the 65-year-old’s transformation. He looked like a completely different person, and, dare we say it, easily 10 years younger. Frankie’s gray beard had been banished from his face completely to reveal a handsome, chiseled jawline. His hair was well styled in the short, neat fashion of “old Hollywood,” and gone were the baggy flannel shirts in favor of sophisticated dark denim and a royal-blue sports jacket.

We’re willing to bet those homeless character gigs are a thing of the past! Frankie is more likely to be cast as a businessman, theater mogul, or suave academic-type in the future after his classy makeover. “The Rachael Ray Show” even gifted Frankie with a trip to City Heads Shots for a set of new photos for his acting portfolio.