Arraignment infographic explains steps of processing and arrest

Arraignment infographic explains steps of processing and arrest
Linda Moore

During arraignment there are a particular steps that have to be taken by and for the arrestee. Not knowing the steps can lead to anxiety and discomfort, more so than is already dealt with during than directly due to the process itself. That is why a new infographic was made to help give individuals an idea of what is involved in the arraignment process.

First, one is taken into custody. Initially, there is a questioning period, where one has a chance to simply state they will not give statements until a lawyer or representative is present. Once that process is over, the arresting officer and arrestee have some paperwork to fill out. The processing portion of an arrest often is comprised of information gathering. Both Pedigree history and fingerprinting have to be taken. Those who are eligible, depending upon crime, are then issued a Desk Appearance Ticket (DAT) and an arrest number. This allows processing while the arresting officer checks for outstanding warrants, bench warrants, and other applicable information.

With no positives coming across the arresting officer’s screen, and issuance being allowed, the arrestee is then transported to the central booking. This booking station can be different depending upon the county one is arrested within. The entirety of the process can take anywhere from three to eight hours, but once in central booking an individual will have access to their representative.

Todd Spodek, a Manhattan Arraignment Lawyer and the creator of the infographic stated: “The earlier a criminal defense lawyer enters the case, the better position the lawyer is to prepare for the issue of bail and to ensure the accused is not interviewed by law enforcement.” And having the right attorney is key. A private or retained attorney is the most optimal in such situations. Public attorneys are also available, but will most often only provide the minimal services required.

 The infographic outlines the entire Manhattan arraignment process. 

Linda Moore
Linda Moore
I am a freelance writer and enjoy reporting on a variety of topics.
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