Arizona Officials Capture Sasquatches on Highway Cam?

On Jan. 1, Arizona’s Department of Transportation posted a photo on its official Facebook page showing mysterious figures alongside State Route 260.
Tara MacIsaac

On Jan. 1, Arizona’s Department of Transportation posted a photo on its official Facebook page showing mysterious figures alongside State Route 260. The department commented on the photo: “We might have spotted a family of sasquatches on SR 260 near Heber this afternoon. What do you think?”

Department spokesman Tim Tait later told ABC News: “We always try to have a little fun with our Facebook and Twitter feeds. That way, we don’t just post news about crashes and road conditions, but a little something to engage our audience in different ways. This posting was one of those efforts—something that caught our attention, and we thought it might make some people chuckle.”

A Facebook user who commented on the photo posted a current photo of the same stretch of road as captured by the highway carmeras on Jan. 3, two days after the “sasquatch” photo was posted. It shows the same shadowy figures in the same spot. The comment read: “Here is the same camera view from just a few minutes ago and nothing has changed in the last two days from your picture. Must be real cold out there as it froze them in their tracks.”

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