A Great Free Add-On Every Gmail User Should Try

Google’s popular Gmail service is nothing short of a game-changer, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect.
A Great Free Add-On Every Gmail User Should Try
Google just announced an "undo send" feature for Gmail. (Screenshot)

Google’s popular Gmail service is nothing short of a game-changer, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. There are plenty of great tricks out there that let users hack Gmail to make it better suit their needs, and we recently told you about five great Gmail hacks that everyone should check out. Today, our attention was drawn to a new Gmail plug-in that is free, simple, and surprisingly great considering how basic it is.

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Easy Eye Scan is a free Chrome extension that is perhaps best described by Stewart Rogers, who pasted about it on Product Hunt:

This is easily one of the simplest solutions I’ve ever hunted. It does one thing, and it does it well: Easy Eye Scan reduces the amount of extraneous information in your Gmail, and it “relaxes” the list view somewhat, in order to help you scan your emails faster.

In addition to helping those of us with normal vision, it is a nice accessibility option for those with compromised vision. I wouldn’t go as far as saying this is an accessibility extension for Chrome, but it certainly would help those that need a simpler Gmail interface.

To elaborate slightly, the extension removes message previews and simplifies your inbox view, showing only the sender, subject, timestamp and a few icons. As a result, scanning through your message list is much easier on the eyes, allowing users to be more productive.

Here’s a shot of Easy Eye Scan in action:


Download Easy Eye Scan

Republished with permission from BGR. Read the original.