Kyrgyzstan: UN Says 75,000 Still Displaced One Month after Clashes

The UN reported Friday, that 75,000 people remain displaced and in need of shelter assistance after the clash in Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrgyzstan: UN Says 75,000 Still Displaced One Month after Clashes

The United Nations reported Friday, that 75,000 people remain displaced and in need of shelter assistance, one month after deadly clashes in the cities Osh and Jalalabad, southern Kyrgyzstan displaced 400,000.

Spokesperson for UNHCR, Melissa Fleming, told reporters in Geneva that people are afraid to return to their homes or have no house to go back to. She illustrated a widespread difficulty in replacing personal papers, including identity papers, and documents proving ownership of land, all left behind when people fled their homes.

There are still dozens of police checkpoints, and a strict curfew in the cities. Frequently reported harassment in the area of ethnic Uzbeks by Kyrgyz security forces have led the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to propose an unarmed advisory and a monitoring international police force to be sent to southern Kyrgyzstan.

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