7 Things That Make Childhood Magical

7 Things That Make Childhood Magical
Positive relationships with extended family enhance childhood. Tyler Nix|Unsplash
Barbara Danza
Childhood is so very precious. From the miraculous moment that a pure infant enters this world, loving parents set out to provide their little one with the best possible upbringing. Fortunately, a magical childhood doesn’t require riches or a Ph.D. Like much else in life, it’s the simplest things that matter most.
Here are seven things that make childhood magical.


Naturally, loving each individual child for who he or she is is the most fundamental aspect of providing them a childhood that will act as a solid foundation for the rest of their lives. Loving parents teach their children, shape their positive character, help them through the ups and downs of life, protect their innocent spirit, provide appropriate boundaries, and show them all the wonderful things that life has to offer. 
It’s the easiest and the hardest part of parenting. Just love them.
Boredom often leads to creativity and ingenuity. (Marcus Wallis|Unsplash)
Boredom often leads to creativity and ingenuity. Marcus Wallis|Unsplash


Family traditions bring a sense of joy, belonging, and security to childhood. Whether it’s the way your family celebrates various holidays and special occasions, the recipe that has been handed down through the generations, the song you sing when you’re setting off on a vacation, or the silly phrase you say as you kiss your kids goodnight each and every night, traditions, both new and old, bring warmth and depth to childhood—and adulthood, too.


The most important “work” a child can do is play. As parents, we simply need to let them. As kids get older, the temptation to schedule all of their time with “valuable” experiences and activities can be tempting, but we need to remember that it comes at the expense of time to play. 
The simplest toys (a ball, blocks, a doll) are usually the best tools to play with. Boredom is a good thing, and when left alone, it often leads to creativity and ingenuity. Through play, children learn significant lessons and develop their capacity to learn and create. 
It’s so important to let them play.


The type of environment at home—the way the atmosphere feels and supports a child and the family as a whole—has a great impact on childhood. Is the home tidy and clean? Is there a lot of arguing, or is there peace? What sort of music and television is broadcast there? What does the rhythm of the day feel like?
An atmosphere that supports a child’s peace of mind, natural love of learning, sense of well-being, and ability to grow is one that supports a magical childhood.
Family traditions bring a sense of joy, belonging, and security to childhood. (Shutterstock)
Family traditions bring a sense of joy, belonging, and security to childhood. Shutterstock


In addition to one’s immediate family, positive relationships with extended family enhance childhood. Such relationships can teach respect for one’s elders, compassion for others, and a sense of responsibility. Children will gain a better understanding of their family heritage and history. Family connections are worth fostering.


As children grow, they will be exposed to all that society and culture have to offer. Steering them toward the very best will help shape their character and benefit their upbringing. Now more than ever, access to all forms of art, media, and entertainment is easy to come by. Choose to feed your children’s minds with high-quality literature, movies, music, and works of art. The arts have a powerful impact on people. No need to settle for the junk food of such genres. Give your child the best.


The natural love of learning and the innate curiosity of a child is an amazing thing to behold. Continuing to kindle this fire throughout childhood, allowing a child to maintain their sense of wonder, is a gift any child would grow to appreciate. Too often, adults, perhaps unwittingly, manage to squash this sense. But those who are left to look upon the world wide-eyed and in awe have a zest and appreciation for life that will benefit them—and those they impact—throughout their lives.
Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com
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