7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: Jan. 25

A look at our world through local headlines: “Africa’s Answer to Barbie,” “Human kidney for sale on Czech Craiglist,” and more.
7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: Jan. 25
A doll in Spain has caused great controversy. Screenshot/Famosa/YouTube
Tara MacIsaac

Spain: Spain’s ‘anorexic’ doll causes outrage in UK

Eating disorder campaigners in the UK have labelled a Spanish-made doll that refuses food “deeply disturbing”, saying it could encourage anorexia among young children. …

“It’s been blown out of proportion,” Idoya Revuelta, spokesperson for Famosa, told The Local.

“Children know perfectly well that the Nenuco Won’t Eat doll is misbehaving when it refuses to eat. They learn to help and stimulate the baby so that it does finally eat its food,” Famosa added in a press communiqué. ...

The Local


Kuwait: Poking Fun at Khaliji Life

The posts are generally light hearted with a local twist. … “I’m not going to say hi first. I’m older.” Or humorous comments on the incongruous or absurd aspects of life young people from the wealthy Gulf Arab states. “I got a flat tire and had to call the driver to bring me another car.” ...

Kuwait Times


Burma: 100-Year-Old Pilot Returns to Burma With War Stories and Sense of Humor

“You have anything fragile?” asked the lady at the airport counter in Kunming. “Yes, right here,” I said, pointing at my Chinese-American friend, Moon Chin, behind me. “He is 100 years old and traveling with me to Burma.”

The last time Moon Chin was in Burma it was 1946, and at that time he was a pilot. He had visited the country earlier, in 1942, on a rather unusual mission: flying US Air Force Gen. Jimmy Doolittle to safety after the US air raid on Tokyo during World War II. ...

The Irrawaddy 


Nigeria: Africa’s Answer to Barbie

‘Queens of Africa’ Dolls Launched in Nigeria

Tired of seeing dolls that don’t reflect his culture for young girls to be proud of, a Nigerian entrepreneur decided to solve the problem by producing his own line.
“Black is beautiful most of us will agree, but a lot of our children own many white dolls with blond hair, blue eyes, etc. She is told black is beautiful, but when she becomes an adult, does she really believe so? Considering growing up with white dolls?” ...

This Day via All Africa


Czech Republic: Human kidney for sale on Czech Craiglist

A seller who lists his name as Dr. Ben Smith claims to have male and female organs

The Czech version of Craiglist, a site for buying and selling goods and services, has featured an advertisement for human kidneys for the past seven days. It is not apparent if the ad is hoax or not. No price is given. ...

Prague Post

See Epoch Times special topic: Organ Harvesting in China


Iceland: Whale beer ban pleases environmentalists

Environmentalists have welcomed the news that a controversial whale meal beer has been banned by Icelandic authorities.

The idea for the beer was dreamt up by local brewery Steðji and whaling company Hvalur. The beverage contained whale meal, something produced when reducing the whales’ bones and meat to oil. ...

Ice News


Malaysia: Masing: Wrong for non-natives to convert just to buy NCR land

It is wrong for a non-native to convert into a native, just for the sake of buying native customary rights (NCR) land. ...

The Star