7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: Feb. 2

Our world through local headlines on Feb. 2, 2014: “Atmospheric magic: three suns in Atyrau,” “Foreign interns face office culture shock,” and more.
7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: Feb. 2
An index of how many pints of beer a person can afford on a minimum wage salary in various European countries had gained popularity online, but some in Spain aren't happy about it. Shutterstock*
Tara MacIsaac

Kazakhstan: Atmospheric magic: three suns in Atyrau

Residents of Atyrau in Western Kazakhstan have observed an extraordinary natural phenomenon this week – three suns in the sky, Tengrinews reports citing Ak Zhaiykwebsite.

At around 10 a.m., a woman stepped out of her office and heard alarmed voices in the street. “Everyone was pointing at the sky where an iridescent sphere was clearly visible around the sun and it looked like there were two more little suns besides the main one,” Ardak said. She made some photos and sent them to the local news website. ...

Tengri News


Korea: Foreign interns face office culture shock

Foreign student interns at Seoul Museum of Art say rigid hierarchy is biggest sticking point

For foreigners joining the Korean workforce for the first time, addressing seniors and coworkers properly can be a major challenge. That is how Liu Jing, 24, from China and Mary Tarakey, 24, from Switzerland felt when they started interning at the Seoul Museum of Art headquarters. ...

Korea Herald


Spain: Spain not merry about European Beer Index

An online map which showcases how many beers you can buy with the monthly minimum wage of different European countries is taking the internet by storm. But not all Spaniards believe they can rightfully claim one of the top spots on the beer-bargain podium. …

The Belgians are way in front with 1,028 beers followed by their neighbours Holland, who get 761 with their minimum wages. …

The Local 


Burma: Burma’s Lonely ‘Dictator Pagoda’

RANGOON — As one of about a dozen astrologers at the entrance of Maha Wizaya Pagoda, Aung Moe watches to see how many Buddhist pilgrims arrive every day.

“Very few people visit,” says the tarot card reader, who has worked at his booth near the pagoda for the past 15 years… . In a devout Buddhist country where people are rarely reluctant to visit pagodas, the seeming aversion to Maha Wizaya is unusual. Ashin Issariya is a Buddhist monk who says he will never make a pilgrimage there.

“I have never visited the Maha Wizaya Pagoda in my life,” says the 53-year-old, who spent more than four years in prison for his active role in the monk-led 2007 Saffron Revolution. “It is a dictator’s pagoda.” …

The Irrawaddy


Australia: The boy who shamed Sydney: a tragic tale to which there is no end

It was the picture that shamed Sydney 15 years ago, sparking historic drug reforms that are still saving lives today. But what became of the young boy whose image helped turn the tide in the war against heroin? Eamonn Duff investigates. ...

Sydney Morning Herald


Saudi Arabia: Mother of handicapped child rescued from rough life by Saudi prince

Manama: Saudis have heaped praise on Prince Mutaib Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, the National Guard minister, after he allocated a monthly salary for a Saudi mother who was forced to work as a domestic helper to feed her child.

The prince also pledged to pay rent for the poor woman whose husband had abandoned her and left her in charge of their handicapped 11-year-old son. Her unfortunate conditions were compounded when the country’s social insurance refused to register her. ...

Gulf News


Mexico: Badges for vigilantes: Mexico gives anti-drug militias official status

Mexico is signing up vigilantes in the fight against drug cartels in the western state of Michoacan as an official rural defense group. But not all of the militias are eager to be “institutionalized” by the government. ...

RT via Mexico Star

*Image of beer via Shutterstock