6-Year-Old Boy Raised Nearly $7,000 for Slain Officer’s Family

6-Year-Old Boy Raised Nearly $7,000 for Slain Officer’s Family
Anton Prado PHOTO/Shutterstock
Bowen Xiao

A boy from Kokomo, Indiana, has raised nearly $7,000 for the family of a slain deputy.

Malachi Fronczak, 6, earned the funds by selling lemonade and hot cocoa on Friday and Saturday.

All of the money raised will go to the family of Deputy Jacob Pickett, who was laid to rest at Crown Hill Cemetery on Friday, March 9, FOX59 reported.
Pickett, 34, was shot by a fleeing suspect on March 2 in Lebanon, Indiana, after rounding a corner during a foot chase, the IndyStar reported. Officers at the scene tried CPR on him but his wounds were fatal.
According to the boy’s Facebook page, Malachi raised $5,200 on Friday and $1,700 on Saturday, totaling about $6,985.
In total, the boy—with the help of his family—sold the beverages for four hours.

“It blew our minds,” the boy’s father, Jason Fronczak, told the IndyStar. “We were blown away by it, too. It says a lot about the Kokmo community, and greater Indiana as a whole.”

The father said that officers from across the state, including Indianapolis, Carmel, and Fishers showed up to chip in.

On Sunday, Malachi and his family headed to Boone County to visit the fallen deputy’s memorial. The boy signed a flag tribute for Pickket and left behind a bottle of lemonade as well.

“It’s wonderful. Anytime your kids have a big heart, want to serve others, I think it’s important as a parent to support that. It’s great to see him out wanting to do that,” Jason Fronczak told FOX59.

A touching photo also showed Malachi saluting the memorial.

“Thanks to everyone who joined together to honor a hero this weekend,” a post on the boy’s Facebook page said.

This is not the last time Malachi will be doing this. Next Saturday he will be at the Kokomo Library South Branch. The library is located at 1755 E. Center Rd.

From NTD.tv
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Bowen Xiao
Bowen Xiao
Bowen Xiao was a New York-based reporter at The Epoch Times. He covers national security, human trafficking and U.S. politics.